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时间:2020-07-29 20:02来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Theft crime has persity crime means and there are a lot of helping behaviors, some of them are easy to be define .But refer to whether or not constitute the crime of theft abettors the theft of neutral help behavior which is still a big problem in academic circles, many scholars argue a lot, even controversial, has not yet reached an agreement . This article analyzes various theory debaters and think should stick to the principle of combining of subjective and objective to correctly define them from the help of causality and the scope of punishment. Only the person who knows someone’s thefting intention and does the implementation of helping behavior and provides power to harm results which can not been accepted by the society, can constitute the crime of theft abettors. Otherwise it can not formed and the not allowed by society is the key.

Key words: neutral assistant conducts, theft, assistant, causality

目  录

1  引言 4

2  案例切入 4

3 帮助行为因果性的判定 5

3.1  因果关系否定说 5

3.2  因果关系肯定说 6

3.3  本文立场 7

4  中立帮助行为的处罚范围认定 7

4.1  主观说 8

4.2  客观说 8

4.3  折衷说 10

4.4  本文立场 11

5  盗窃的中立帮助行为的定性 12

结  论 13

参考文献 14

致  谢 15

1  引言 

盗窃犯罪频发、具有极大的社会危害性,说它是社会最悠久,最常见的犯罪现象亦不为过。作为传统型犯罪,盗窃罪历来危害社会甚大,据不完全统计,近年来盗窃犯罪始终占据全部犯罪三分之二以上。 盗窃犯罪给社会的稳定、经济的发展、人们生活的安定等都带来了严重的影响。《刑八修正案》由此加大了盗窃的打击力度,以确保社会安宁,就是盗窃危害性大的一种表现。而日常生活中,有时人们的生活及业务活动不可避免地为他人盗窃提供便利而为法益侵害提供原因力,所以有必要正确区分盗窃的中立帮助行为与盗窃罪的帮助犯就显得尤为重要。为了解决这一问题,本文从四个经典案例出发,并综合分析各家学说,然后提出自己的见解,希望对其他学者有所帮助。

2  案例切入源-自-751:,论'文'网]www.751com.cn


案例二:他人利用网络进行盗窃,乙对此明知,仍对其提供服务,问乙可以构成盗窃罪的共犯么? 论盗窃的中立帮助行为之定性:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_57072.html
