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时间:2019-10-11 20:14来源:毕业论文

On the Police in China's Criminal Procedure Law to Testify in Court System
Abstract:Abroad and foreign film and television play,the police as a withness to testify the lens also occasionally appear,but in our country is few and far between.Newly revised criminal procedural law in 2013 in increased by police in special circumstances can testify regulation,it is a highlight of procedure law in our country,is also the facts of the case and an improvement of justice.The police to testify in court not only improve the witness to testify in court system and enhance the efficiency of litigation, the litigation value whether in theory or in judicial practice, the civil procedure will become a more and more important part. According to the police to testify in our country and abroad in comparison with the present situation of the police to testify, analysis of existing problems, and further explore and give better advice. It is necessary for us to guarantee the smooth progress of the police to testify.
Key words:The police to testify ;The new criminal procedural law;The efficiency of lawsuit;Security
摘   要    1
Abstract    1
一、案件事实及判决评析    2
(一)案件事实    2
(二)判决评析    2
二、国内外警察出庭作证制度的现状    3
(一)我国警察出庭作证制度    3
(二)国外警察出庭作证制度    4
三、警察出庭作证制度的诉讼价值    5
(一)提高证人出庭作证率    5
(二)提高诉讼效率    5
(三)提高警察执法质量    5
(四)实现真正意义上的司法公正    5
四、我国警察出庭作证制度存在的问题    5
(一)传统观念和自身因素对警察的影响    5
(二)立法的不完善    6
(三)司法制度的制约    6
五、完善我国警察出庭作证制度的建议    7
(一)提升警察自身的素质    7
(二)完善警察出庭作证的相关立法    7
(三)警察出庭作证相关配套制度的建议    8
参考文献    10
致    谢    11
论我国刑事诉讼中的警察出庭作证制度   前言
司法活动是一个从发现、查明到证明的一个过程。警察出庭作证不仅在实践中十分少见,而且在理论上不是很完善。有一句名言“正义不仅应得到实现,而且要以人们看得见的方式加以实现”。虽然警察出庭作证在西方国家司空见惯,但在我国国内还不是很多见。作为现场目击犯罪事实发生或者当初抓捕犯罪嫌疑人的直接参与者,警察不能出庭作证势必会影响法律的公正和权威。所以有必要在立法上完善警察出庭作证制度。 论我国刑事诉讼中警察出庭作证制度:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_40536.html