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时间:2019-10-11 20:13来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:有限责任公司; 股权转让 ;善意取得
A Research on the Possession in Good Faith
of Limited Company’Stock
Abstract:Bona Fide Acquisition is not entitled to dispose balance right under human rights situation really get ownership interest between the interests and the assignee, the assignee of goodwill and meet strict conditions to protect the security of transactions and make it immediately apparent Select a law on the rights policy. "Law interpretation of the three" shareholders made clear that the introduction of the system in the "nominal holdings" and "second wave of selling," referring to both cases class "Property Law" goodwill. The theoretical basis for this paper, the system and improve the system are discussed. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the first part describes the nature of equity to changes in ownership patterns to the theoretical basis of the equity acquired in good faith. The second part of the law rarely constitute stake acquired in good faith, exclusions and legal consequences. Finally, the proposed system is to achieve perfect equity goodwill.
  Key words:Limited liability company; Equity Transfer ; Good Faith
  目    录

摘 要    1
Abstract    1
引言    2
一、股权善意取得制度概述    3
(一)股权的性质    3
(二)股权变动模式    3
(三)股权善意取得的理论基础    3
二、股权善意取得的适用    4
(一)股权善意取得的适用情形    4
(二)股权善意取得的认定标准    5
(三)股权善意取得法律效果    6
三、股权善意取得的反思与制度构建    7
(一)股权善意取得的反思    7
(二)制度的构建    7
结语    8
参考文献    9
致  谢    9
    由于我国有限责任公司股权变动的登记为股东名册登记和工商管理部门登记,由此造成股权转让过程中股东身份界定的混乱。公司法解释三规定了“名义股东”和“一股二卖”两种情形下的股权取得可参照物权法善意取得制度,但股权同物权在变动规则上并非完全相同。因此参照适用应避免等量齐观。此外对于其他情形下的股权转让是否有善意取得之适用空间未做规定。股权善意取得的适用对公司的人合性有一定的冲击。股权善意取得制度需完善和改进。 论有限责任公司股权转让的善意取得:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_40535.html