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时间:2021-04-25 22:57来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  举证责任  自由裁量权  诚实信用  合理规制

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Discussion about the Discretion of the Judge in the Distribution          

         of Burden of Proof in the Discretion of the Judge            


"Who advocates, who proof" in civil litigation is general principles for burden of proof. However, in the face of special circumstances exist in practice, giving the judge's discretion has be imperative.Communication fully and effectively with client , persist in  the principles of fairness and justice in order to the correct application of the discretion of the judge to the proof responsibility distribution is  in favor to ascertain the facts of the case, the promotion of justice. Combined with the current actual trial judge, judge how to adhere to honesty, discussed the principles of fairness and justice in different circumstances, the correct use of discretion of distribution of burden of proof according to different circumstances.On the other hand, in order to prevent the abuse of discretion, we should start from the aspects of legislation, procedure system,the precedent system,the quality of judges, rationally regulate discretion.


Keywords  the burden of proof   discretion   honesty and credit   rationally regulation

目  次

1  引言.1

2  赋予法官民事证明责任分配自由裁量权的必要性..1

2.1  法官裁量分配民事证明责任是克服成文法固有缺陷的需要.1

2.2  法官裁量分配民事证明责任是最大限度地实现个案公平的需要2

2.3  证明责任分配理论的发展轨迹印证了法官裁量分配民事证明责任的合理性


3  法官行使民事证明责任分配自由裁量权的条件及原则.4

3.1  法官自由裁量民事证明责任分配的条件..4

3.1.1  程序上案件经法庭调查、法庭辩论,审理已尽4

3.1.2  待证事实真伪不明5

3.1.3  穷尽一切法律规则5

3.2  法官自由裁量民事证明责任分配的原则..6

3.2.1  诚实信用原则.6

3.2.2  公开、公正原则..6

3.2.3  合理性原则6

3.2.4  当事人的举证能力7

4  我国民事证明责任分配领域中的法官自由裁量权的合理规制.7

4.1  我国在民事证明责任分配领域中法官自由裁量权的行使现状..8

4.1.1  法律及司法解释过于笼统或原则8

4.1.2  举证举证责任分配在具体适用程序中未作规定8

4.1.3  在证明责任的特殊分配规则中,易引发错用..8

4.2  影响法官法官运用自由裁量分配民事举证责任的因素..9

4.2.1  立法和司法解释的因素..9

4.2.2  发官个人业务素质能力..9 论证明责任分配中的法官自由裁量权:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_74333.html
