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时间:2018-03-20 19:28来源:毕业论文

关键词:体验式设计 空间展示 交互设计
Experience space display design research --- Alibaba showroom design
Abstract: “People-oriented”concept of modern space display design, decided the dialogue between the display and the audience must shift from one-way lectures for a two-way interactive communication, let the audience get psychological, emotional experience and feelings. Of visual psychological adaptation to display design from the original, instinctive behaviour developed into a modern, mental communication show activities of the masses. Start from closed to open, transparent way of communication, from single into multiple, multiple points of view of form of information transmission. Now space to display design is no longer just thinking about how to put the exhibits, visit the streamline, but a comprehensive media feast, to create a unique environment and atmosphere is the key of the design.
Emotional experience, this paper focus on space show of introducing "user experience" in the design of interaction among them. And new media elements unique beauty. This paper pays attention to the combination of theory with practice, use cases in this paper, the theoretical points, combined with alibaba enterprises exhibition hall design, concrete scheme to apply experiential space display design. And interaction is the trump card experiential display design, space design will show to the experience of people centered experience to show direction.
Keywords: Experiential design, Space to show, Interaction design
一、研究的目的与意义    4
二、空间展示设计概述    4
三、体验式空间展示设计概述    4
(一)体验式空间展示设计基本概念    4
(二)展示空间中的体验    5
(三)体验式设计对展示空间的影响    5
四、同类型体验式展示馆调研    5
(一)上海城市生命馆    5
(二)世博可口可乐馆    6
五、阿里巴巴企业展厅概念设计方案介绍    6
(一)企业基本情况和时代背景    6
(二)设计简述与说明    7
(三)体验式设计在展厅中的实际运用    8
751、总结与展望    9
七、致谢    10
八、参考文献    10
观众和展览之间的距离原来越近,人们对空间中展示内容的期待也随着时代的发展不断变化。现代的空间展示由平面化的信息传递,向多感官体验模式上转变。展示手段也从静态想动态转变。展示的体验性设计比较符合现代信息的传播理念,也更能调动参观者的积极性,提高参展的兴趣, 这就意着参观者并不是被动地参观展示,而是主动地体验展示内容,也体现了设计者对于参观者的人文关怀,参观者已不仅仅是旁观者,而变成了探索世界奥秘的主人。随着信息时代的到来,科技的进步,展示观念的更新,围绕着展示体验性的设计得到了真正意义上的体现。 体验式展示设计研究阿里巴巴企业展厅设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_11437.html