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时间:2018-03-20 17:07来源:毕业论文

摘要: 上海曾是石库门的海洋,对中国人而言,石库门不失为上海的缩影,在它身上凝聚了上海,以及上海人的精气神;读懂它也就读懂了上海。石库门记载了上海的沧桑变迁,它已成为海派文化的精髓和上海历史的见证。
近年来,随着国家对非物质文化遗产的日益重视,研究民俗民居文化的资料日渐增多,但是对石库门文化的研究还处于初始阶段;本毕业论文通过搜寻网上和图书馆里关于上海石库门里弄的文献,以及实地走访,获得有关石库门里弄历史、民俗风貌的资料,提出如何保护性开发“里弄文化”的建议,希望为石库门里弄文化的保护和开发 略尽绵薄之力。 19861
Shanghai Shikumen Lanes Culture Research——Protection and Development
Abstract: Shanghai once was an ocean of shikumen building. To the Chinese, the shikumen building is an epitome of Shanghai, and it condensed Shanghai and Shanghai people’s spirt.  With reading its story ,we can realize Shanghai better.  The shikumen
building  recorded  the vicissitudes of Shanghai, it has become the essence of the Shanghai culture and the witness of history in Shanghai.
     In the early 90s, Shanghai began the reconstruction and development of large-scale, many old Shikumen building was removed, and with the disappearing of many nostalgic old house, people  began  to realize that keeping these unique arts and the culture behind them. Is very important.
     In recent years, with the importance our country paying on the intangible cultural heritage,  folk residence culture research data is increasing, but the study on the Shikumen culture is still in the initial stage; In this article, through searching  the documents  about  Shanghai Shikumen Lanes from the library and the Internet, asWell as field visiting, I  get  the  information about the history  and the folk customes  of shikumen  lanes , and giving  advice about  the protective development of the  shikumen lane ‘s  culture,  hope to provide  materials .for the  protection and  development of shikumen lane’s culture.
KeyWords:  Shanghai Shikumen;  Lanes Culture;  Protective  Industrial  Development;
目  录
引  言      1
第一章    问题的提出与研究意义    1
一、研究背景      1
二、研究目的与意义      1
三、几个重要定义      2
1、城市文化空间      3
2、文化产业        3
3、文化产业化      3
第二章 “上海石库门里弄文化”历史、现状及开发建议      3
一、“里弄文化”历史及内容     3
1、浓缩纷繁生活——世俗俚语    3
2、百年弄堂小游戏    4
3、弄堂商贸习俗      4
4. 多姿多彩叫卖声      4
 5. 亭子间作家      5
二、“里弄文化”现状    5
1、“石库门里弄”生存现状     5
2、保护现状    6

三、对“石库门里弄文化”保护性、产业化开发的建议      6 上海石库门里弄文化研究保护与开发:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_11411.html