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时间:2018-06-10 19:51来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:小学生;   小学高年级;   作文教学
The Problems and Countermeasures in high Grade Composition of primary School
Abstract : Composition of primary school is an important way for students to cultivate coherent thinking and improve students' language ability. Therefore, composition is particularly important for pupils, especially for the pupils in higher grades. The pupils in higher grades have already had some ability in writing and reading ability, and composition is the key for them. But there are a variety of problems in the pupils’ composition in higher grades, and the researchers concluded some points as follows: composition plagiarism becomes more common, sparse in content, faint interest, lack of true feelings, modular structure and so on. The researcher analyzes reasons and proposes corresponding countermeasure according to these problems. For example, we can arouse   students' interest in writing, fosters the students' ability to feel life, make them learn to observe life slightly, increase the amount of extra-curricular reading, attach great importance to the accumulation of language and collect materials by keeping a diary and so on. This paper also carries on the summary to the problems which exist in pupils’ composition in higher grades. The author analyzes the reasons why these problems form and puts forward limited countermeasures to make the problems be improved.
Keywords: Primary school students; High grade in primary school; Teaching of composition
目 录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、小学高年级学生作文中存在的问题    2
(一)缺乏对作文的兴趣,写作的积极性不高    2
(二)缺乏写作的素材,内容空洞    3
(三)思路不开阔、缺乏想象力    3
(四)句、段间缺乏连贯性    4
(五)标点符号运用不当和作文语言口语化    4
二、小学高年级学生作文中问题形成的原因分析    5
(一)作文教学模式陈旧    5
(二)学生的课外活动少,缺乏生活体验    5
(三)过分强调教师的主导作用    5
(四)阅读教学与作文教学没有联系起来    5
三、解决小学高年级学生作文问题的基本对策    6
(一)教师方面    6
(二)学生方面    7
(三)其他方面    8
参考文献    9
致谢    10
《语文课程标准》指出:“写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我,进行创造性表述的过程,写作能力是语文素养的综合体现。”[1]小学低年级的写话,中高年级的作文都是写作的体现,而对于小学高年级的学生来说,作文显得更加的重要,首先,作文能力综合了学生各方面的能力,是学生语文素养的综合体现,其次,作文能够培养学生的连贯性思文,写作反映着一个人的思文,也是一个人思文的反应。小学生通过练习写作文,可以提高他们的思文连贯性,再次,作文可以提高学生的语言表达能力,语文课上,大部分是使用书面语言,在写作文时,满足了学生用语言表达自己内心世界的需要,学生在放松的状态下写,就可以使他们的语言表达能力得以提高。还有,作文在考试中占有相当高的分数,高年级学生语文满分一百分,而作文就占三十分,因此,把作文写好十分的关键。 小学高年级作文中的问题及对策:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_17356.html