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时间:2020-08-17 21:12来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The determination of the defendant in administrative litigation in current China, according to the principle of "who is the main body who is the defendant", which determine the way to practice brought a lot of inconvenience, such as the scope is too narrow, confirm the process is complex, is not conducive to the other party prosecution, etc. To change the status quo, shall be determined on the defendant in administrative litigation system is modified, separating the defendant and the administrative subject, from the principle of administrative litigation is cheap to build an independent system of the defendant.

Keywords:administrative subject ,administrative defendant ,separate  

 目   录

1 引言 6

2 我国行政诉讼被告与行政主体高度合一的弊端 6

2.1 被告的范围失之过窄 6

2.2 确认被告程序复杂 7

2.3 实践中对被告的认定标准不统一 8

3 造成我国行政诉讼被告与行政主体高度合一的原因分析 8

3.1 当时我国行政法理论水平低 8

3.2 行政主体是从民事主体概念演化而来 9

4 行政诉讼被告应与行政主体相分离 9

4.1 行政诉讼被告与行政主体分离的必要性 10

4.1.1 我国行政主体理论与外国之比较 10

4.1.2 行政主体理论无法有效与行政诉讼制度衔接 10

4.1.3 现行行政主体理论无法推动我国社会向多元化发展 11

4.1.4 行政主体与行政诉讼被告等同的片面性 11

4.2 行政诉讼被告与行政主体分离的具体制度设计 12

4.2.1 引入“谁行为谁被告”标准 12

4.2.2 引入该标准的好处 12

4.3 实施该标准需注意的问题 12

4.3.1 行为主体是个人时的被告确定 12

4.3.2 行为主体的行为最终由谁负责 13

结论 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16

1 引言


2 我国行政诉讼被告与行政主体高度合一的弊端 论行政诉讼中被告与行政主体的分离:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_58514.html
