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时间:2018-11-14 19:48来源:毕业论文

关键词  招标投标  政府采购  法律制度  
Title   Research of the legal system of bid invitation and bid           
With the growing popularity of bidding activities, expanding the field of bidding, bidding legislation of technology is not mature enough, the lack of experience, there are still many problems in reality can not be ignored.
In this paper, the system of tendering law research in four areas, the first part discusses the basic theory of the bidding system, resolve the current scholars of different views on the concepts, nature, and try to explain their understanding, second part introduces the Chinese bidding Bidding foreign legal system and legal system. It summarizes the characteristics of foreign tendering law. Foreign focusing tendering law legislation, according to norms of the bidding behavior, unified trend is increasingly evident. The third part of the legislation from Bidding Bidding Law and other legal defects and convergence issues, further information on the system of tendering law. And summarizes the government procurement regulations and tendering convergence. The last part of the draw characteristics and experience of foreign law, based on our national conditions to improve the system of tendering law.
Keywords  Bidding  Government Procurement  Legal System
目   录
1 引言    1
2 招标投标制度概述    2
2.1 招标投标的概念    3
2.2 招标投标的特征、法律性质及遵循原则    3
3 国外招标投标法律制度    6
3.1 英美招标投标法律制度及特点    6
3.2 联合国和世贸组织英美招标投标法律制度及特点    7
4 我国招标投标法律制度及存在问题    8
4.1 我国招标投标法的律制度现状    8
4.2 我国招标投标法律制度存在的问题    8
4.3招标投标法与政府采购法的衔接    9
5 我国招标投标法律制度的完善建议    12
5.1 明确《招标投标法》与《政府采购法》的关系    12
5.2 落实招标投标下位法的统一    12
5.3完善招标投标过程中的异议制度和投诉制度    12
5.4增加《招标投标法》中的招投标方式    12
5.5 完善电子招标投标制度    13
结 语    14
致 谢    15
参考文献 16
图1 招投标流程图    4
图2 工程、货物、服务在招标投标法与政府采购法中的规定    10
1  引言
招标投标这种贸易方式既适用于设备物资的采购,也适用于发包工程项目,故而在国际上得到普遍运用。即便这些年来我国招投标法律法规的陆续出台,让招投标制度逐渐被健全,但招投标法在当前的使用中仍存在诸多问题,而与政府采购的关系问题学界仍存有争议。随着我国加入WTO的承诺的兑现,政府采购法与WTO《政府采购协定》的对接问题,都将对我国招标投标法律制度产生很大影响。 招标投标法律制度研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_25806.html