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时间:2021-07-05 22:23来源:毕业论文
了解大戟和甘草在配伍之后煎煮的弱极性成分的变化。方法:制备Euphorbia:Liquorice =1:1水煎液、Euphorbia- Liquorice合煎液;利用GC-MS技术对合煎液和煎并液的乙酸乙酯提取物实行测定分析

摘要目的:了解大戟和甘草在配伍之后煎煮的弱极性成分的变化。方法:制备Euphorbia:Liquorice =1:1水煎液、Euphorbia- Liquorice合煎液;利用GC-MS技术对合煎液和煎并液的乙酸乙酯提取物实行测定分析,分析两者之间的弱极性成分差异,鉴定合煎液与煎并液中弱极性成分的变化。同时与大戟水煮液、甘草水煮液中的弱极性成分进行比较分析。结果:合煎液和煎并液经过GC – MS分析后含有的弱极性成分含量各不相同。分析:巴豆萜烷和ingenane作为大戟的刺激性成分,其在合煎液中的含量较在大戟提取液中是显著增多的,验证了配伍禁忌的科学性。69201


毕业论文关键字:大戟  甘草  配伍禁忌  弱极性成分

Study on volatile ingredient of the compatibility of Euphorbia and liquorice by GC—MS


Objective: To know the change of the weak polar substance generated by decocting after the compatibility of Liquorice and Euphorbia. Methods: Prepare the water decoction(Euphorbia:Liquorice =1:1)  and the solution of co-decoction(Euphorbia-Liquorice). By GC-MS, we tested the content of ethyl acetate in the solution of mix decoction and co-decoction, analyzed the differences of the weak polar substance and identified the changes of the weak polar substance between the two decocting ways. Meanwhile, comparative analysis of the weak polar substance has been made between the water decoction solution of Liquorice and Euphorbia. Results: GC-MS analysis shows that the content of the weak polar components between the solution of mix decoction and co-decoction is different. Conclusion: Compared with separate water decoction of Liquorice, the content of Tigliane and Ingenane, which are the stimulating components of Liquorice, increased significantly in the solution of mix decoction. It demonstrates that incompatibility has its scientific basis.

This paper has 3 forms, 28 reference documentations.

Key words: Liquorice  Euphorbia  incompatibility  weakly polarity component 

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

引言 1

1 研究背景 1

1.1大戟 1

1.2 甘草 2

1.3十八反 2

1.4对本实验背景的思考 2

2 实验材料与实验步骤 3

2.1实验材料 3

2.2实验试剂 3

2.3 实验仪器 3

2.4 实验步骤 3

3. 实验结果及讨论 5

3.1 对表1结果的讨论 8

3.2 对表2结果的讨论 8

3.3 对表3结果的讨论 8

4.结论 8

参考文献 10

致谢 12



中药十八反在西医和中医临床上,联合用药以治病都很常见,但是由于不同的药物其本身所具有的理化性质它的药理作用都是不尽相同的,如果医者配伍合理,就有可能会产生协同作用,从而能够更好的治愈疾病;如果不能,则也许会形成拮抗,从而减弱药物作用,要紧时毒效增强会招致十分坏的后果,而这类对药材进行的不合适的组合就被称为配伍禁忌。从古至今不止一个大夫在临床治病中会将中药十八反视为配伍的禁忌,就医书方面的记载,从古本草一直到近代的药典、教材等全都注明了不能同时使用,因为很有可能会增强毒性,导致恶劣反应。但是历史上也不乏成功运用的个例。因为人类历史的前进,人们不断受到社会合理用药的熏陶,十八反配伍禁忌渐渐受到大量的重视[3]。 狼毒大戟甘草药对配伍挥发成分的GC-MS分析:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_77969.html
