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时间:2018-10-11 20:51来源:毕业论文

Analysis of the path of China's intelligent medical development under the background of Internet of things
Abstract: in this paper, from the view point of the development of medical wisdom and the popularity of, according to the definition of medical wisdom, in the domestic and foreign development status and promotion of the popularity of the difficulties encountered in the process, national awareness, needs and resources of urban and rural difference distribution of medical wisdom were questionnaire survey. Results showed that medical wisdom in big cities has been rapid development, but how to solve medical problems in rural areas, realize the chronic disease by "treatment" to "prevention" is a problem to be solved. Thus, we combine the Internet of things, cloud computing and other high-tech, a simplified wireless medical sensor devices transitional solutions, so that the wisdom of medical can be fully promoted.
Keywords: Medical Intelligence、Information technology、Urban and rural gap
摘要    1
前言    3
一、智慧医疗的概念    4
1.1智慧医疗的定义    5
1.2智慧医疗实现的意义    6
二、国内外智慧医疗的发展    7
2.1国外医疗系统发展历程    7
2.1.1美国医疗信息化现状    7
2.1.2英国医疗信息化现状    8
2.2我国的智慧医疗发展历程及现状    8
2.2.1我国智慧医疗发展现状    8
2.2.2我国智慧医疗的试点状况    9
2.2.3智慧医疗在中国发展的现状    9
2.3国内外智慧医疗发展对比    10
三、“一公里”困境    12
3.1智慧医疗在我国发展过程中所遇到的困难    13
3.2 智慧医疗推行的城乡差异    14
四、调研报告    15
4.1调查方法    15
4.2调查时间    15
4.3样本数量    16
4.4样本分布    16
4.5调研分析    18
4.6分类统计    18
4.7交叉分析    19
五、智慧医疗“零”距离规划    24
5.1家用医疗器械智能化    24
5.2物联网助力智慧医疗    25
5.3过渡时期解决方案    26
5.3.1过渡时期的解决方案简述    26
5.3.2电子医疗设备功能结构示意    27
附件一:智慧医疗发展前景调查    28
附录二:参考文献    35
2012年,中国的新一轮医改拉开序幕。3月21日,国务院发布了《“十二五”期间深化医药卫生体制改革规划暨实施方案》,在2009年至今的751年时间里,我国医改效果显著且取得了很多阶段性的成绩,但与此同时,一些医改过程中所存在的问题也逐渐浮出水面,如:国内公共医疗管理系统的不完善,医疗成本高、渠道少、覆盖面低等问题困扰着大众民生。尤其以“效率较低的医疗体系、质量欠佳的医疗服务、看病难且贵的就医现状”为代表的医疗问题为社会关注的主要焦点。 物联网背景下我国智慧医疗发展路径分析:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_24055.html