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时间:2018-05-10 19:09来源:毕业论文

Mediation in the conflict between doctors and patients involved in social work
Abstract:In the 21st century, the rapid development of Chinese society, the medical malpractice system gradually exposed, frequent incidents of killing doctors, exacerbating the conflict between doctors and patients, to ease the contradiction between doctors and patients has become a focus of health reform, although the government and third-party mediation mechanism involved, but the effect is not obvious. Thus, the conflict between doctors and patients involved in the mediation of social work is to solve the contradiction between doctors and patients a new perspective, medical social workers will become an important part of China's social welfare. This paper attempts to solve a hospital in-patient conflict Fujian practice, and explore medical social practice problems, phased Discussion on doctor-patient relationship, medical social workers and learn from the advanced experience of Europe, America and Hong Kong and Macao, working from the micro and macro social work community two a point of view, be more specific about the involvement of social work from casework, group work, community work, social policy, social work methods, practical proposals to ease the conflict between doctors and patients.
Keywords:medical work;Conflict between doctors and patients;social work
一、问题缘起与研究意义    1
(一)、研究背景    1
(二)、研究目的和研究意义    1
1、研究目的:    1
2、研究意义:    1
(三)、几个重要定义    2
1、医务社工    2
2、医患冲突    2
二、文献综述    3
(一)、已有研究回顾    3
1、国内外医务社工发展现状研究    3
2、医患冲突的原因相关研究    4
3、医患纠纷的介入研究    5
4、社会工作介入医患纠纷的重要性研究    6
(二)、已有研究的贡献与不足    7
1、已有研究的贡献    7
2、未决难题    7
二、医患冲突概述    8
(一)、医患关系现状    8
(二)、医患冲突原因    9
1、医术医德问题    9
2、医患沟通不到位    9
3、“看病难,看病贵”的医疗体制问题    10
4、患者及其家属对医生不合理的期待    10
5、患者及其家属的无理取闹    11
四、医患冲突调解中社会工作介入方法分析    12
(一)、医患冲突的潜伏期及社会工作介入    12
(二)、医患冲突的暴露期及社会工作介入    13 医患冲突调解中的社会工作介入:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_15326.html