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时间:2021-05-09 21:53来源:毕业论文



Abstract: in this set of brand image design is to be a  Hong Kong style the design of the dessert house, now, more and more enterprises realized the importance of brand image design. Goods is an important basis, brand is people's taste, status, a symbol of power. So the brand image design plays a more and more important role in the brand competition. Brand image design mainly includes the brand name, marker and logo design. A good brand image design can let a person shine at the moment, also can make people feel the charm of enterprise culture.  Hong Kong style dessert house brand image design to achieve internal securing consumer identity, strengthening the awareness of the Hong Kong style dessert house. Foreign setthe overall image of Hong Kong style dessert house, constantly strengthening the consciousness of the public, promote and memory, and kept expanding scale, product updates quickly, in order to gain approval. 

Keywords: half sugar, brand image, dessert house 

目   录

1  “半糖zhuyi”港式甜品屋品牌形象设计的背景及条件 2

2  “半糖zhuyi”港式甜品屋品牌形象设计的目的与意义 3

3  “半糖zhuyi”港式甜品屋品牌形象设计方案概述 3

3.1  选题名称分析 3

4  品牌形象设计基础部分总体概括 6

4.1 “半糖zhuyi”港式甜品屋辅助图形 6

5  品牌形象设计应用部分总体概括 6

5.1名片设计 7

5.2工作证及胸牌设计 7

5.3杯垫的设计 8

5.4玻璃杯设计 8

5.5桌牌号设计 8

5.6三折页设计 9

5.7海报设计 10

6  “半糖zhuyi”港式甜品屋品牌形象设计创新与不足 10

6.1  设计创新 10

6.2  设计不足 10

结 语 11

作品完成稿 12

展示效果图 15

参 考 文 献 17

致 谢 18

1  “半糖zhuyi”港式甜品屋品牌形象设计的背景及条件

  社会经济的快速发展,生活节奏不断的加快、生活方式的快速改变,人们已从对食物基本的温饱要求过渡到不断追求健康和特色饮食,追求情调和惬意的生活,许多消费者愿意把钱花费在甜品上。而港式甜品屋的出现正好符合这个趋势。精致甜美的甜品已经不知不觉地融入人们的生活,既满足了年轻时尚朋友的口腹之欲,又让时间走得轻松,给繁忙的生活一个留白空间。 半糖主义”港式甜品屋品牌形象设计+答辩PPT:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_74985.html
