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时间:2021-05-09 21:51来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:收容制度 风格 温馨 动物的家 创新

Abstract: the animal protection system in China, the deficiency of the system, hope that the scheme is to attract people's attention, arouse people's attention to stray pets, but also make up the blank of the market, after all, the majority of the domestic shelter not only regular unified arrangement, if any, bad also filthy animal life.

This overview scheme centered design concept, design content two parts. Which is given priority to with design content, throughout the whole scheme with contemporary and contracted style, with a warm atmosphere, especially emphasizes the whole of simple, practical and beautiful feeling, is the stray pet shelter, but conforms to modern people's taste can attract more people love animals. At the same time as space, colour collocation, the function distribution and lighting design. This design scheme is given priority to with space pision and colour collocation are detailed in this paper. Said the cat dog homeless shelters positioning is the home of the animal, so the scheme of innovation is to break the traditional shelter monotonous, cold visual effect.

Key words: asylum system  style  sweet  animal's home  innovation

目  录

1 流浪宠物收容所的背景介绍及现状分析 5

2 “猫说狗说”流浪宠物收容所设计目的及意义 6

3 “猫说狗说”流浪宠物收容所设计方案概述 6

3.1 “猫说狗说”流浪宠物收容所设计思路 6

3.2 “猫说狗说”流浪宠物收容所设计内容 7

3.2.1 空间划分 7

3.2.2 功能分布 8

3.2.3 色彩搭配 9

3.2.4 灯光设计 9

4 创新与不足 10

结  语 11

整套作品展示 12

参考文献 14

致  谢 15

1 流浪宠物收容所背景介绍及现状分析

    许多的外国国家都设有SPCA组织(禁止虐待动物协会),SPCA最初也是由社会上保护动物的人士发起设立的,该组织的设立宗旨就是预防和制止虐待动物。他们在各大城市都设有办事机构、动物医院和动物收容所。SPCA虽然是民间的非营利性动物保护组织,但他们成立和运作是有法律根据的,通常是依据《预防虐待动物法令》(各国有关保护动物的法令名称不同),相对于外国对动物保护法律制度的健全,我国在这方面就显得相对薄弱,英国在这方面显然走在了前端,从最开始的《马丁条令》,到逐渐完善的动物保护法再到动物福利法等无不都是维护动物的相关权益,而我国除了现有的仅针对野生动物和濒危动物的《野生动物保护法》、《动物检疫法》等几乎没有专门的针对普通动物的保护法,制度的覆盖率明显不足,难道社会上一起起虐待动物的案还不足以引起我们的重视吗?完善动物保护法律体系,使每种动物都纳入法律保护的范畴,才能体现法律的权威性和严谨性。 猫说狗说流浪宠物收容所室内设计动物习性论空间划分:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_74984.html
