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时间:2021-02-27 11:20来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  景观设计  城市广场  公共空间  设计与保护

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Analysis the Art and Design of the urban landscape -- To Zhiyuan plaza of Industrial Park in Suzhou’s design as an example

Abstract Nowadays, in the context of the rapid development of cities, many problems exist between urban modernization and historical and cultural protection inevitably. With the community's concept of protecting historical sites and culture enhancement. Designers actively search for varieties of methods putting historical culture and modern design together. Landscape, as a reflection of local culture, records the history of local cultural development, How to reflect the culture in design better , link local culture and modern design more ingeniously and deal with the relationship of landscape and surroundings properly is a topic that deserve Chinese landscape designers to study deeply. In this paper, from the perspective of landscape art and design, discusses the development of urban public space, features and use in the art of landscape design principles and design strategies- Suzhou Industrial Park, Zhiyuan plaza design,Trying to do Road, the ancient cross-check this.

Keywords :Landscape Design  City Square  Public space  Design and Conservation

1 绪论 2

1.1研究背景 2

1.2研究目的与研究意义… 3

2 城市景观艺术设计概述 3

2.1城市景观艺术设计与城市景观形象的建构 5

2.2近代中国城市景观艺术设计的发展 6

2.3城市住区景观形象特征 7

3 城市广场景观的设计原则和手法 8 

3.1城市广场景观的设计原则… 8

3.2城市广场景观的设计手法 9

4 案例分析——苏州工业园区致远广场改造设计 11

4.1项目背景 11

4.2资料收集 … 11

4.3场地分析 12

4.4设计定位 13

4.5设计理念 13

4.6草案研究… 13

4.7 设计分析… 14

4.7.1 功能分区… 14

4.7.2 节点分析… 15

4.7.3 流线分析… 15

4.7.4植被分析… 16

4.8总体设计 18

4.9节点设计 10

结论   22

致谢 … 23

参考文献… 24

附录A 广场平面图… 25

附录B 广场鸟瞰图… 26

1 绪论

“一个区域要和它的四周区别开来, 除了需要突出的山水、语言和技艺外, 还必须有一种基于某种宗教教义、社会观念、政治模式(有时是三者的结合) 的强烈信仰。因此, 区域化必须以景象作为基础, 每一个社会都有它的特有景象, 一种和它的邻区稍稍不同的标记”。 苏州工业园区致远广场改造景观艺术设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_70172.html
