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时间:2018-04-25 12:02来源:毕业论文

Intangible cultural heritage embodies the essence of human culture spirit, is the product of historical development, is a living fossil ancestors through thousands of years, summarized the practice, inherited, are precious wealth to witness history. But with the globalization of economy and the speeding up of the modernization of the attack roll, the benefits and opportunities at the same time as the development and progress of society, also brought hitherto unknown impact on intangible cultural heritage of historical value, cultural value and artistic value of survival.
In this paper, Jiading bamboo as the main research object, using a single case study approach, the aims of the present situation, as well as the development of deep investigation and study of Jiading bamboo problems, so as to further understand the Shanghai intangible cultural heritage protection, development situation and problems, and actively explore new ideas and new measures of intangible cultural heritage protection, development and, it is very significant to promote the construction of Shanghai culture, improve the cultural soft power of Shanghai.
Key words: intangible cultural heritage; Jiading bamboo; protection; development
目    录
一  绪论    1
(一)问题的提出    1
(二)研究的理论背景    1
(三)论文研究的对象和方法    4
二  上海嘉定竹刻的保护、发展现状分析    5
(一)上海嘉定竹刻的形成与发展    5
(二)嘉定竹刻的基本介绍    6
(三)上海嘉定竹刻的保护、发展现状    7
三 上海嘉定竹刻保护、发展中存在的问题及建议    8
(一)上海嘉定竹刻保护、发展中存在的问题    8
(二)上海嘉定竹刻保护、发展的建议    9
四  保护和发展上海非物质文化遗产的相关建议    11
(一)上海非物质文化遗产的简介    11
(二)上海非物资文化遗产保护、发展中存在的问题    11
(三)保护和发展上海非物质文化遗产的相关建议    13
五  文章小结    15
参考文献    16
致 谢    17
附录一    18
附录二    19
附录三    24
(一) 问题的提出
中华民族是一个勤劳智慧,生生不息的民族。上下五千年的光辉历程,华夏儿女创造了灿烂的文化和悠久的文明史。随着历史的变迁,文化的传承,古老、鲜活的传统文化便成了我们宝贵的文化遗产。古老文明的中国拥有的世界文化遗产数量多、类别齐。这些文化遗产在漫长的历史发展进程中,渐渐呈现出两大类别:一是以物质形态存在为主的“有形”文化,即:物质文化遗产。二是以“口传心授”的形式存在不主的活态文化,即:非物质文化遗产。 上海非物质文化嘉定竹刻遗产保护发展现状:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_14165.html