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时间:2018-04-14 21:40来源:毕业论文

Ningdong New Town Highway Entrances Image of Landscape Planing and Design——Square Design
Abstract:With the development of modern science and technology, high-speed entrance landscape planning is an important symbol of urban development, and the main carrier of improving urban ecological environment. Fast rhythm, high efficiency has become the characteristics of modern work life, people's living space also from pure meet the needs of practical function space, mental space of the development is to the environment.
From the perspective of the characteristics of modern city square, the square is the most public of city space environment, open, open, also is the most frequent human activities, known as the city of the sitting room, it play an important role in the city. From the form, the main city square is given priority to with large rigid pavement, which can have a certain number, the number of grass, sculpture, etc.City park in the square to satisfy the needs of citizens' growing leisure life plays an irreplaceable role, more and more important role in city development.
Through to the east Ningxia new roundabout planning, change the local soil characteristics to improve the local ecological environment, ecological civilization is driven by energy, building a new image of the east Ningxia.
Key Words: high-speed entrance landscape planning;City park plaza;ecological civilization
绪论    1
1.项目背景与意义    2
1.1 项目背景    2
1.2 基地概况    2
1.3 项目研究的意义    3
2. 植物景观设计原则    3
2.1以人为本的原则    3
2.2科学性原则    3
2.3历史文化延续性原则    4
2.4生态性原则    4
2.5空间层次丰富原则    5
2.6经济性原则    5
3.城市广场景观小品设计要求    5
3.1突出差异    5
3.2彰显个性    5
3.3强化系统    6
3.4注重传承    6
4.结束语    7
致谢    8
参考文献    9
植物景观设计在城市广场设计中对于城市及人居生态环境的改善起着举足轻重的作用,其本质就在于充分认识地域性自然景观中植物景观的形成过程和演替规律,并顺应这一规律进行植物配置,现代园林设计的实质就是为植物的自然生长演替提供最适宜的条件。园林植物是影响园林艺术美的主要因素。一个城市的公园可以缺少建筑小品、运动设施,但缺少了植物就不可能是真正意义上的公园。市民需要的是一种生态良好而景观丰富的公园。园林设计师对植物景观的重视程度是植物造景成败的重要因素之一,植物景观的观点越来越为人们所接受。城市公园植物景观设计已成为公园建设中的重要环节,对城市广场植物景观设计成为更重要的环节,对城市发展和市民生活有着深远意义和长久效益。文中对园林植物属性的分析提出了自己独特的见解,认为属性的分类对于有针对性的评价与植物造景手法构思是有帮助的,然而事物的整体涵盖了比每个部分之和更多、更广的信息与联系。所以对植物造景的思考也不能单纯从独立的属性出发,随着时代发展探索其联系与变化才是科学的研究态度。而宁东作为一个新兴的能源城市,伴随着工业的发展,生态环境等问题势必会出现。文因此提前解决这些隐患十分必要,而宁东新区高速出入口形象景观规划工程正是起到这样一个作用。 城市高速出入口形象景观规划设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_13359.html