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时间:2017-06-01 21:22来源:毕业论文

关键词:新媒体  影响  公共事件   舆论效应
Title   The study on how the new media impact the development of the public event
The new media is exercising its impaction on the public event with its remarkable characteristics. This article will clarify both active and negative impaction the new media has had on public event. Because of an array of amazing figures, the new media has not only created the appropriate public voice for the public event, but is the critical approach to broadcast information and to contain rumors. However, because the Crowd psychology presents and the new media sometimes even interrupt the judicial trial, the problems still exist. The article proposes an array of tragedies on problems.
With the serious challenge, what we should do is to contain the negative affection, and exercise the active influence the new media has had on the public event continually though the guide of the traditional media, the supervision of the government,the opinion leader, the improving of the media literacy and the rule of law.
Keywords: new media   influence  public event  the effection of the public voice         
目   次
1 引言    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2 研究内容    2
1.3 研究意义    2
2 新媒体对公共事件走向的正面影响    3
2.1显著的舆论效应    3
2.1.1“水波效应”成就新媒体舆论引导力    3
2.1.2言论发表自由性、传播方式便捷性造就强大透明网络监督    5
2.1.3网内网外互动性建立网络自有“议程设置”    6
2.1.4参与主体多元、广泛,形成有力舆论质疑    8
2.2虚拟网络功能不虚——对现实事件发挥重要功能    9
2.2.1通讯覆盖广泛成就对外传播的重要渠道    9
2.2.2通讯传播便捷、快速成就紧急事件中重要传播手段    10
2.3 传播迅速、广泛有效遏制流言散播    11
3 新媒体对公共事件走向的负面影响    12
3.1网民非理性从众心理的毁灭性    12
3.2 “媒体审判”越俎代庖,放大公共事件    15
4 促进新媒体对公共事件发挥正面影响的策略    16
4.1新旧媒体加强融合,共同引领舆论导向    16
4.2政府积极顺应新媒体时代,即时发布权威信息    17
4.3 充分发挥意见领袖对舆论的积极引导    18
4.4 提升网民媒介素养    19
4.5建立健全法律法规,发挥法律规制作用    20
4.5.1完善立法    20
4.5.2严格执法    21 新媒体对公共事件的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_8310.html