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时间:2016-12-16 18:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要:当前,我国社会处于飞速发展的阶段,科技水平日新月异,尤其是手机等现代通讯工具的发展,拉近了人与人之间的距离。由于生活节奏的加快,人们越来越倾向于通过手机短信进行交流沟通,手机短信以其方便、快捷等特点,成为人们的最爱。慢慢地,这种通过相互之间短信来往的沟通方式被称之为“拇指文化”。在短信的发展和人们相互交流的过程中,短信的语言运用也从最初的单一模式变得多种多样。与此同时,也逐渐暴露出了其中的不足,问题也越来越多。本文在对短信的发展阶段以及语言特点进行研究的基础上,针对其语言特点,找出其在信息传播中的弊端与不足,进而提出相应的对策和措施,希望以此促进未来手机短信的发展,使得短信编辑的语言运用越来越好。4386
Analysis on Language Usage of Text Message Editing

Abstract:At present, China is in the stage of rapid development and technology standards are updated rapidly. Especially, with the development of mobile phones and other modern communication tools, the distance among people gets closer. With the pace of life accelerating, people are more inclined to communicate via cell phone text messages. SMS becomes a favorite of people, due to its convenient, fast features and so on. Slowly, this mutual exchange of communication among the SMS is called "thumb culture". In the process of SMS development and people's interaction, the use of SMS language from the initial single model becomes diverse. At the same time, the disadvantages of them are gradually exposed, and are more and more. On the base of the current development of SMS and its linguistic characteristics, this paper finds out
the shortcomings in the information dissemination , then puts forward the corresponding policies and measures, hoping to promote the future development of SMS and to make text editing of language usage get better.

Key Words: text message; editing language; development of stage; language features
 目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、短信编辑的发展状况    2
(一)短信的基本含义    2
(二)短信编辑在我国的发展历程    2
二、短信语言编辑的运用特点    4
(一)短小精练、通俗形象    4
(二)幽默风趣、轻松诙谐    4
(三)委婉含蓄、抒情浪漫    5
(四)善用修辞、化用诗句    5
(五)符号多元、文符成趣    5
三、短信编辑在信息传播中存在的问题    6
四、加强规范短信用语的措施    7
(一) 从提高自身修养做起    7
(二) 正确认知短信规范用语    8
(三)建立有效地短信文化监督管理机制    8
参考文献    10,4386
    短信是用户通过手机或其他电信终端直接发送或接收的文字或数字信息,用户每次能接收和发送短信的字符数,是160个英文或数字字符,或者70个中文字符。短信可以分为以下几类:节日祝贺祝福类、重大事件、表达思念等情感、商务交往、娱乐幽默搞笑等。 浅谈短信编辑的语言运用:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_1038.html