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时间:2020-06-05 20:05来源:毕业论文



Discussion on the Inspiration of "Super Brain" to the Innovation of Chinese Intelligence Variety Show

Abstract: In the new media era, the creation of intelligence variety show is sharply restricted, so exploring the way of survival has become an essential issue for its development in the limited space. In allusion to the current problem of the emergence of homogeneous competition wave and factors like single element propagation hindering the development of our country’s intelligence variety show, “Super Brain” accesses the situation, seizes the opportunity, makes reform and innovation, jumps out of the program homogenization competition nest, and leads the intelligence variety show stepped to a new level. Based on the deep analysis of “Super Brain” innovation, this paper shows that to get a long-term survival, the Chinese intelligence variety show should take increasing the characteristic contents of program, cultivating suitable programming team and highlighting the brand building of program as breakthrough points of innovation. It should use the body characteristics to enhance the core competence of China’s intelligence variety show and promote the prosperity and development of the program market.

Key Words: intelligence variety show; Super Brain; innovate; enlightenment

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、我国益智类综艺节目的发展困境 2

(一)同质化竞争的浪潮涌现 2

(二)单一传播元素影响收视率 3

(三)利用受众的同情心理博眼球 4

(四)节目的专业性与综合性失衡 4

二、《最强大脑》的突破创新 5

(一)注重脑力稀缺资源的开掘 5

(二)引入中西合璧的独特赛制 6

(三)打造专业评审团的权威性 7

(四)联合全媒体打造新型营销模式 7

三、《最强大脑》对我国其他益智类综艺节目创新的启示 8

(一)增加益智类节目的特色内容 8

(二)培养适合益智类节目制作的团队 9

(三)尝试娱乐化与科学性的双重结合 10

(四)凸显益智类节目的品牌建设 11

参考文献 12


随着新媒体的快速发展,我国益智类综艺节目样式越来越多,推送周期越来越短。快速的制作方式与手段使益智类节目达到制高点,出现百家争鸣、百花齐放的局面。娱乐节目的浪潮卷来,似乎令人们沉浸在娱乐享受与视觉盛宴的陶醉之中,但与此同时其单一的节目模式和枯燥无的节目内容等问题引来了限娱令的发布。《最强大脑》一改综艺节目的传统模式,凭借独具一格的节目态势突破限娱令,另辟蹊径走出了新一轮的“益智热”,并将“益智风”吹向各大卫视。笔者通过分析《最强大脑》创新的独特风格,探究其成功对我国其他益智类综艺节目的创新有何启示意义。 浅谈《最强大脑》对我国益智类综艺节目创新的启示:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_53731.html
