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时间:2020-10-07 09:46来源:毕业论文



The Inspiration of heated "ultimate challenge" television show on the Development of China

Abstract: Today, contemporary television variety show to form a contending situation, in which the "ultimate challenge" as the representative, not only made the unanimous praise of the community, but also by the sustained attention of industry experts. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the audience's standpoint, "the ultimate challenge" from the propagation environment, communication and dissemination of the contents of three aspects of why the effect sought after in the market, just twelve programs on the surrender of a good reputation, zero negative feedback satisfactory results. Its success is not accidental, there must be worthy of our learning mode of operation, this way our country will certainly play a variety show to promote the role of the weak vitality, variety show short cycle market continued progress and improvement, and ultimately from hit a variety show insight into the future direction of the variety may develop.

KeyWords: Innovation、chain、spead

目  录

第一章  绪论 4

(一)研究背景 4

(二)研究现状 4

(三)研究思路和方法 5

第二章 本论 5

(一)《极限挑战》传播环境分析 5

1、内部环境 6

2、外部环境 7

(二)《极限挑战》传播内容分析 8

(三)《极限挑战》传播效果分析 9

1、促进电视综艺节目风格创新 10

2、巨大经济效益带来的跟风效应 11

(四)《极限挑战》对我国电视综艺节目发展的启示 11

1、政策助推,打造新传播主体 12

2、肩负使命,挖掘文化内涵 12

3、推出相应产业链,打造文化品牌 12

(五)、结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 14

第一章  绪论



例如,2015年6月14日,东方卫视全新推出的户外大型励志体验真人秀节目《极限挑战》于每周日晚21点接档《花样姐姐第一季》,首播即获得全网1.191的收视佳绩。2015年新华社《环球》杂志更是寄予《极限挑战》为亚洲最具影响力综艺节目殊荣。这个看似普通却有大能量的户外真人秀给予我国一向低靡的电视综艺市场带来一剂强心针。  《极限挑战》的热播对我国电视综艺节目发展的启示:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_62414.html
