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时间:2018-03-04 11:01来源:毕业论文

关键词  新闻要素  评论元素  相关性  评论爆发点  新闻主题
Title    Network News Comment Research—the correlation  between news factors and comment elements                                                 
With the rapid development of network news and comments, the correlation between news factors and comment elements is increasingly becoming a project worthy of research. Based on news factors and comment elements, this paper discusses the correlation between network news and its comments in terms of time, location and theme. From the perspective of comment elements, this paper makes theoretical assumptions on the correlation between comment bursting point and news publish time, reviewer’s geographical distribution and news locality, as well as comment theme and news theme. Finally, it comes to a conclusion through empirical analysis verifying the correctness of those assumptions, so that to provide reference and guidance for the future development of network news and comments.
Keywords  News factor  Comment element  Correlation  Comment bursting point  News theme
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究意义    1
1.3  国内外研究现状    2
1.4  本文研究内容与创新点    8
1.5  本文组织结构与安排    9
2  相关理论与技术    9
2.1  命名实体概述    9
2.2  命名实体识别技术    10
2.3  面向新闻文本的命名实体抽取技术    12
2.4  本章小结    15
3  网络新闻与评论的时间相关性研究    15
3.1  评论爆发点与新闻发布时间的相关性    15
3.2  评论爆发点与新闻主题的相关性    17
3.3  实证分析    20
3.4  本章小结    28
4  网络新闻发生地与评论用户地域分布的相关性研究    28
4.1  新闻发生地与评论用户地点的相关性    28
4.2  新闻主题对评论用户地域分布的影响    30
4.3  实证分析    30
4.4  本章小结    33
5  网络新闻与评论的主题相关性研究    34
5.1  判定是否“相关”的标准    34
5.2  相关性影响因素    34
5.3  实证分析    35
5.4  本章小结    37
结  论    38
致  谢    39
参考文献    40

图1.1  人名识别的基本流程12
图2.2  基于规则的人名初分识别模型13 网络新闻评论新闻要素与评论元素的相关性研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_10381.html