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时间:2020-05-09 21:32来源:毕业论文



Research on the Image of the Old in News Coverages—Taking the News of “the Fall of Elder” for Example

Abstract: With our country aging phenomenon becoming increasingly serious, people have paid more attention to the image of the old in news reports in recent years. Taking the news of “the fall of elder” for example in 2015, this paper discusses the current situation of the image of elder reported by media as well as the existing problems. It is not difficult to find that the image of elder is reported to be partial, which makes the image of the old reported by media show a tendency to demonization, marginalization, and typification , so that the audience have the false cognition to the image of the old. Therefore the thesis further analyzes the reason of the appearance of the image of elder reported by media, and put forward the relatively reasonable solution aiming at the problem of distortion of the image of old man, which exert an certain effect on the situation that people cognize the old group correctly and improve the image of the old. 

Key Words: Media; The Image of Elder; The Fall of the Old; News Coverage 

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、新闻报道中老人形象呈现的现状 2

(一)老人形象的负面新闻占主导地位 2

(二)新闻中老人的消极形象比重较大 3

(三)新闻报道侧重于老人的物质生活 3

二、新闻报道老人形象存在的问题 4

(一)新闻中老人形象存在妖魔化倾向 4

(二)新闻中老人形象被边缘化 5

(三)新闻中老人形象存在类型化现象 6

三、新闻报道中老人形象呈现的成因 7

(一)特定时期文化的影响 7

(二)新闻媒体的片面报道 8

(三)老人自身存在问题 9

四、新闻报道中老人形象失实的解决方法 10

(一)媒体要注重专业报道  体现人文情怀 10

(二)国家应加强社会道德建设  构建安心养老环境 11

(三)老人要注意日常言行  保持积极人生态度 11

参考文献 12 

新闻报道中的老人形象研究——以“老人跌倒”类新闻为例随着我国社会老龄化的逐步加深,媒体在新闻报道中对老人形象的报道也越来越频繁,因此老人也引起大家越来越多的关注。自2006年的“彭宇案”开始,“老人跌倒”类新闻就层出不穷,“老人形象”问题也不断地引发热议。媒体对于老人形象的呈现也开始有意无意地偏重于再现老人的负面形象,这不仅引发了公众“救助恐惧症”,更是激起关于社会道德滑坡的议论。 新闻报道中的老人形象研究以“老人跌倒”类新闻为例 :http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_51209.html
