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时间:2018-05-09 21:31来源:毕业论文

The development trend of life service TV programs from the "home" of the queen
    Abstract: From birth of till now, the life-service program is prevailing among the public.Nowadays, various life-service programs are full of the screen ,which make us enjoy the life better.Nonetheless,not every one can serve the public well.Hence, the dissertation bases on the analysis of  successful examples of life-service program in order to find out the shackles of sustainable development of the life-service program and propose the relevant solutions.The dissertation is pided into four portions .Part one mainly introduces the life service class definition and development of the life-service program . The core of the dissertation is part two wich analyze characteristics of the life-service program from content, program style and program information and arrangement pattern as an example of the "domestic goddess" .The third part focuses on analyzing the issue of the development process of the life-service program.In the fourth part,the author put forward the measures of the life-service program's issues in sequence.
Keyword:The Lfe-service Pogram ;Predicament;Innovation;Development Direction
 目    录   

摘 要    1
Abstract    1
一、生活服务类节目电视的定义及发展历程    2
(一)生活服务类电视节目的定义    2
(二)生活服务类电视节目的兴起及发展历程    2
二、《家政女皇》的节目特点    3
(一)节目内容的实用性和服务性    3
(二)节目风格的亲和力和幽默感    4
(三)节目资讯的权威性和专业性    5
三、从《家政女皇》看生活服务类电视节目发展所面临的问题    6
(一)节目内容同质化    6
(二)节目过于娱乐化    6
(三)“软广告”危机    7
四、生活服务类电视节目的发展对策    8
(一)积极创新,提高策划意识    8
(二)限制过度娱乐,提升文化品    8
(三)端正态度,坚持客观公正    9
参考文献    10
从《家政女皇》看生活服务类电视节目的发展趋势  一、生活服务类节目电视的定义及发展历程
随着电视传媒的发展,荧屏上丰富多彩的节目类型越来越让人眼花缭乱,生活服务类电视节目正是这百花中的一朵。“所谓生活服务类电视节目,是以实用性为其主要内容,它的电视节目形式为受众日常生活学习、工作服务的”。 具体说来,此类电视节目通过传播咨询、解答问题和反映大众呼声、帮助受众解决日常生活、工作和学习中的各种现实问题,为社会生活提供直接、具体的服务。注重使用价值,并要满足实际生活中的各种服务需要。也就是说此类电视节目是为广大观众传播知识、指导生活、陶冶情操,满足人们日益增长的物质和文化生活需求的节目。 从《家政女皇》看生活服务类电视节目的发展:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_15284.html