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时间:2020-01-07 20:10来源:毕业论文



Analysis on the Development Strategy of homemade video sites program

Abstract: work technology, the popularity of the network, Internet users increases, so that the video site has been an unprecedented development, the industry ushered in the development of the spring. After several years of development, China's video website indu.With the rapid development of the Internet industry, advances in netstry entered a significant restructuring and consolidation phase at the same time glow more new question: "Traffic at least" urgent need to establish evaluation system, pan-entertainment phenomenon seriously, profit model of a single industry management ability is not strong. Most self-limited program profitability, industry lack of effective profit model, should continue the old mode of operation, between the major video sites increasingly fierce competition in the case, will not reverse the unfavorable market situation, out of the current predicament. For this reason, video sites homemade program as a new industry in the development there are many problems restricting its healthy development.

Key Words: Video website; homemade programming; pan-entertainment; profit model

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、我国视频网站自制节目的概述 1

(一)我国视频网站自制节目的界定 2

(二)我国视频网站自制节目的发展现状 2

(三)我国视频网站自制节目兴起的必然性 3

二、我国视频网站自制节目发展的成功策略 3

(一)观众诉求主导化 4

(二)节目内容差异化 4

(三)节目制作专业化 5

(四)节目传播品牌化 5

三、我国视频网站自制节目的发展瓶颈 6

(一)“点击量至上”亟待评估体系的建立 6

(二)泛娱乐化现象严重 7

(三)盈利模式单一 7

(四)管理体系不够完善、自律能力不强 8

四、我国视频网站自制节目的可持续性发展策略 9

(一)建立完善的视频网站自制节目评估体系 8

(二)打造精品节目,培植文化内涵 10

(三)发展多样化盈利模式 10

(四)加强行业自律与政府监管并行 我国视频网站自制节目的发展策略:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_44685.html
