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时间:2017-03-07 23:13来源:毕业论文


    Analysis of Media Crisis in Reporting Strategy
Abstract:In recent years, with frequent crises, the role of the media in crises emergency is more important. But there are also some problems in current news media reports, how to actively respond to these problems are worthy of our study   important issue. In this paper, on the basis of extensive investigation and study, analyzed and discussed combining with specific examples, in view of the media in crisis emergency report put forward the corresponding improvement suggestions. for the problems, such as: timely, comprehensive coverage, insist the right opinion, set up the concept of the supremacy of life, do a good job after crisis and reflection a number of traditional media and news media alliance strategies. Crisis in terms of media is a test is a kind of exercise, hope that the implementation of these strategies will enable China's media are better able to deal with in the next report of crisis events, and promote the healthy development of the news media industry in China.
Key Words: crisis emergencies; media reports; strategy
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、突发危机事件的含义与特点    2
(一)突发危机事件的基本含义    2
(二)突发危机事件的特点    2
二、媒体报道在突发危机事件中的功能    3
(一)危机潜伏期的预警功能    3
(二)危机爆发期的稳定功能    4
(三)危机扩散期的协调功能    4
(四)危机消退期的反思功能    5
三、突发危机事件中媒体应激报道存在的问题    5
(一)封锁消息,延误最佳报道时机    5
(二)避重就轻,转移公众视线    6
(三)缺乏人文关怀和职业道德    6
(四)反思不够,引发新的危机    7
四、突发危机事件报道中应采取的应激措施    7
(一)及时、全面的进行报道    7
(二)坚持正确的舆论导向    8
(三)树立生命至上的观念    8
(四)做好危机事后的反思    9
(五)传统媒体与新媒体联姻    10
参考文献    11突发危机事件中媒体报道策略分析
    一、突发危机事件的含义与特点 突发危机事件中媒体报道策略分析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_3922.html