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时间:2018-05-22 21:10来源:毕业论文

Gain and loss analysis and trend of the CCTV Spring Festival
    Abstract: CCTV Spring Festival Gala has experienced thirty years of development, from simple entertainment at the now stage feast, middle road twists and turns and difficulty coexist, she had a brilliant, have been lost, her growth is not only a kind of development and change of the entertainment world, at a deeper level,she not only established "Spring Festival Gala" brand culture, promote andheritage of the ancient culture China more perfect, guide the spiritual path forpeople in different ages, new culture for a new generation of Chinesedissemination of new folk,, led us toward a better tomorrow. This article mainly from the late thirty years of development and variation of, according to the analysis of calendar year program form and content, summarizes the gala of gains and losses, put forward its own views on its future development, and points out that the future development trend of the Spring Festival evening.Hope the content and viewpoint in this paper to a certain role on the future development of Spring Festival evening show up.
    Keywords: CCTV Spring Festival Gala; program form;New Folk
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、    “春晚”之变    3
(一)“春晚”之始——1983年首届春晚    3
(二)视觉冲击——2014年马年春晚    3
(三)从自娱自乐到全民盛典    4
二、“春晚”三十二年历程之收获    5
(一)收获季节之重塑新民俗    5
(二)“春晚”文化品牌之确认    5
(三)民族文化的宣扬与传承    6
(四)内容与形式多样化发展    7
三 、“春晚”的不足之处    8
(一)创作审美模式僵硬化    8
(二)指导思想功利性    9
四、“春晚”走向分析    10
    (一)春晚该如何发展民族文化    10
     (二)节目内容和节目形态的调整    11
     (三)网络春晚逐步成为未来的一种趋势    12
参考文献    14
央视春节联欢晚会的得失与走向分析 一:“春晚”之变
    春节(农历正月初一)是我国传统盛大节日。自1983年以来,每年除夕晚上都会举办综艺性文艺晚会来庆祝每年一度的新春佳节。在众多娱乐节目形式面前,央视春节联欢晚会是国人最喜爱的佳节盛宴。央视春节联欢晚会是在中国改革开放之后迈向新社会的体现。随着时代的发展,科技的进步,人们生活水平的提高,人们的娱乐、审美需求也在不断发生改变,央视春节联欢晚会的出现,正好迎合和广大群众的需求,成为了新春佳节家人团聚的愉悦焦点。 央视春节联欢晚会的得失与走向分析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_16112.html