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时间:2020-04-20 19:05来源:毕业论文






the twenty-first Century is a century full of competitions. This competition is not onlyreflected in the resources, capital and market share, more prominently in the demand for talent, and the talent competition in the final analysis is the competition of education. "Chinaeducation reform and development program" pointed out: "the hope of revitalizing the nation in education, the hope of revitalizing education in teachers." Therefore, to improve the qualityand ability of teachers, and the key is to revitalize the national science and education. 

The fourth middle school of Hangzhou as a key high school in Hangzhou City, theimplementation of the elective physical education teaching, rigorous work, seriously, theschool athletics team, basketball team champion in the city of Hangzhou, in the aspect of teaching and our school have more cooperation, Hangzhou fourth middle school PE Teachers'teaching ability, have certain effect on teaching ability high school physical education teachers in Hangzhou city.

There are many literatures of PE teachers online teaching ability, but the research of teaching ability of a school sports teachers rarely, and lack of practicability, combined with the currentHangzhou fourth middle school PE Teachers' teaching ability, analyzes the detailed answers,to proceed in the practical, high school sports teachers' teaching ability construction,contribute to a force.

Key words: teacher ability, high school physical education teachers, investigation


1. 前言 4

1.1研究背景 4

1.2研究的目的与意义 5

1.2.1理论意义 5

1.2.2 实践意义 5

2.文献综述 5

3概念界定 7

3.1教师教学能力 7

3.2体育教师教学能力 7

3.3高中体育教师教学能力 8

4研究对象和研究方法 8

4.1研究对象 8

4.2研究方法 8

4.2.1文献资料法 8

4.2.2访谈调查法 8

4.2.3问卷调查法 9

4.2.4数理统计法 9

4.2.5逻辑分析法 9

5 高中体育教师教学能力现状调查及分析 杭州某中学体育教师教学能力的研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_50203.html
