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时间:2020-10-12 17:42来源:毕业论文

摘 要:健美操是一项新兴的体育运动,以热情奔放、节奏明快、动作舒展、优美有力的特点给人一种蓬勃向上、精神振奋的感受。此项运动深受广大青少年的喜爱,被列入新编中学《体育与健康》的教学大纲,成为学校体育教学,课外活动和体育竞赛的重要内容之一,中学开展健美操课的最终目的就是要促进学生身心发展,达到外在美与内在美的和谐统一。为了研究探讨淮安市区中学健美操运动开展情况,本文采用文献资料,通过查阅中国期刊全文数据库和淮安师范学院图书馆,找出与本研究相关的文献资料;问卷调查,设计了《淮安市区中学健美操课程开展情况调查问卷》,分别对淮安市清江中学、淮安市北京路中学,淮安市淮师附中学生(共100名)和三所学校体育组体育教师(共20名)进行问卷调查;数理统计,用Excel应用软件对数据进行统计处理;和逻辑分析,运用归纳、演绎、类比、综合等逻辑分析法,对各种信息进行较深入的归纳,认证有关结论与建议。从学生、教师等多方面对淮安市区部分中学健美操运动现状进行相关调查与分析。找出存在问题,提出发展对策,应加大师资队伍建设, 加强对中学生的全面教育与教学, 加强教育,提高认识,更新观念, 拓展教学内容,提高教学效果, 加大学校体育设施建设,重视场地器材的有效应用, 教学内容、教学方法多样化, 课外活动与校外活动相结合,丰富课余生活,为更好的促进淮安市区学校健美操开展提供参考。57731


Abstract:Aerobics is a new sport, a passionate, lively rhythm, action stretch, beautiful powerful features gives people a vigorous, refreshing feeling. This sport is popular among young people, to be included in the new high school "sports and health" curriculum, become the school sports teaching, one of the important content of extracurricular activities and sports competition, middle school aerobics ultimate aim is to promote the physical and mental development of students, to achieve the harmonious unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty. In order to study Huaian city middle school aerobics, this article uses the literature material, through access to Chinese periodical full text database and Huaian normal college library, and find out the related with the study of literature; questionnaire, designed the "Huaian City Middle School Aerobics Curriculum Development Questionnaire", the Qingjiang middle school, Huaian City Huaian city Beijing road middle school, Huaian Middle School of Huai Shi (100 in total) and three schools sports group of teachers (20) conducted a questionnaire survey; mathematical statistics, statistical treatment of the data with Excel software; and logic analysis, using induction, deduction, analogy, comprehensive and logical analysis, are this article on the various information, conclusions and suggestions related certification. From the students, teachers and other aspects of the part of Huaian city middle school aerobics movement status of investigation and analysis. Find out the existing problems, proposed the development of countermeasures, should increase the teachers team construction, strengthen comprehensive education and teaching to students, strengthen education, improve knowledge, renew an idea, develop the teaching content, improve teaching effect, strengthen the construction of school sports facilities, pay attention to the effective application of the space and equipment, persification of teaching content, teaching method, extracurricular activities and the combination of school activities, to enrich extracurricular activities, to promote the reference aerobics Huaian city school.

Key words : huaian city,Middle school aerobics,The status quo,countermeasures
