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时间:2020-05-10 12:02来源:毕业论文



Sports in Luoyang City Junior High School Survey Analysis 

Abstract: From Luoyang City representative of all four schools to start, through surveys, data processing, field trips, classroom Luoyang city junior high school sports, extracurricular activities, recess, and the organization of school sports activities in-depth understanding of the investigation, for carrying out activities in the case of sports statistics and analysis, and then propose appropriate improvement strategies, to provide a theoretical basis for the future Luoyang City junior high school sports development. . The results showed that: most of the students are willing to participate in Luoyang City Junior High School physical exercise; the main motivation for students to participate in physical exercise is hobbies; student participation in physical exercise based mainly in extra-curricular activities; students participate in physical exercise is the main activity of running; most of the students involved in the frequency of physical exercise three to five times a week; most schools in January to organize a collective activity; most students did not buy the equipment in physical exercise; school construction in sports facilities is the main constraint students' Physical exercises factor.

Key words: Luoyang City; junior high school; Sports

目    录

摘要: 1

引言 2

1.研究对象与方法 2

1.1研究对象 2

1.2研究方法 2

2.结果与分析 3

2.1洛阳市城区初级中学参与体育运动的基本情况 3

2.2影响洛阳市城区初级中学参与体育运动的因素 5

3.结论与建议 6

3.1结论 6

3.2建议 6

参考文献 8

附录: 9

致谢 10


体育运动作为在校学生学习生活中必不可少的一部分,作为初中阶段的学生,适当的体育运动可以保持身体健康,精力充沛,进而提高学习效率。党中央国务院在相关文献中明确规定“广大青少年身体健康、体魄强健、意志坚强,源^自#751^文/论`文]网[www.751com.cn、充满活力,是一个民族旺盛生命力的体现,是社会文明进步的标志,是国家综合国力的基础”。[1]德智体全面发展是对现代学生的硬性化要求,在学习、品德兼优的条件下,身体素质也要随其发展,成为一名全面发展学生,是新课标的目标,也是现在教育的最终目的。初中阶段作为学生学习生涯比较重要的一个阶段,应该在此阶段培养学生全面发展的意识,知道体育运动在学习中的重要性。在此阶段,家长,学校体育工作人员,应给予学生极大的支持和鼓励,让学生树立正确的价值观,人生观,每天锻炼一小时,健康生活一辈子。 洛阳市城区初中体育开展现状调查分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_51303.html
