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时间:2020-09-08 21:44来源:毕业论文

摘 要:伴随着新课改的脚步,切实的优化课堂教学,提高小学数学教学质量成为了每一个小学数学教师的追求。但是,传统单一的教学方法,繁重的课业负担,刻板的教学思想,都在影响学生的身心发展,同时也阻碍了学生创造精神和实践能力的培养。因此,在新课改的浪潮下,我们必须最大限度的吸取新课改精华的理念,更新教育观念,改变教学方法,优化小学数学课堂。本文主要结合自己在小学实习的经历和对相关资料的研究,简要的分析传统教学的弊端及其原因,从而提出优化小学数学课堂教学的策略。55702


Abstract:With the pace of the new curriculum reform, optimize the classroom teaching effectively and improve the teaching quality of elementary school mathematics have become an elementary school mathematics teacher's pursuit. However, the traditional single teaching method, the heavy academic burden and the rigid teaching thought not only influence the students' physical and mental development ,but also hinder the cultivation of students' creative spirit and practical ability. Therefore, under the tide of new curriculum reform, we must learn to maximize the concept of the essence of new curriculum reform, renew the education idea, change the teaching methods in order to optimize the elementary school mathematics classroom. In this paper, with her internship experience in elementary school and the study of relevant information, the author makes a brief analysis of the disadvantages of the traditional teaching and its causes, and put forward the strategies of the optimization of the elementary school mathematics classroom teaching. 

Keywords: new curriculum reform, the elementary school mathematics, class teaching, optimization strategies


1  前言 4

1.1  问题的提出 4

1.2  文献综述与核心概念 5

1.3  研究方法 6

2  当前小学数学课堂存在的弊端 7

2.1  教学理念的落后 7

2.2  教学方法的单一 7

2.3  教学内容脱离生活实际 8

2.4  小组合作流于形式 8

2.5  教学评价方式欠妥 8

2.6  接纳“动态生成”能力的欠缺 9

3  当前小学数学课堂存在弊端的原因 9

3.1  评价方式并未改变 9

3.2  教师专业水平不足 10

3.3  部分学生的数学基础较为薄弱 10

4  优化小学数学课堂教学的策略 10

4.1  改变传统的教学观念,树立正确的教学理念 10

4.2  提升教师的专业技能,促进教学水平的提高 11

4.3  主动的参与到实践活动 14

总结 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

1  前言

1.1  问题的提出 新课改背景下小学数学课堂教学优化策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_60062.html
