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时间:2020-05-06 20:33来源:毕业论文



Abstract According to the shortcomings of the traditional teaching method in China, the popularization and practice of quality education has no delay. The junior middle school mathematics as a basic subject in the final stage of compulsory education,how to integrate quality education into daily teaching is very important. As a kind of new teaching mode in the modern education mode, flipped classroom provides a different teaching mode for the implementation of quality education in junior middle school mathematics.

This passage bases on the expansion of the flipped classroom, it tries to introduce the characteristics of the flipped classroom. Besides it also analyzes the application of the flipped classroom in junior high school and the problems which occurred in the process. Finally it takes “Sampling” as an example, discussing the idea that how to integrate the flipped classroom into middle school mathematics to support the development of quality education.


Keyword: Middle School Mathematics; Quality Education;Flipped Classroom


摘要 1

一、引言 2

二、初中数学素质教育 2

(一)针对初中数学开展素质教育的意义 2

(二)初中数学素质教育的研究现状 3

(三)实施初中数学素质教育的方法 3

(四)基于翻转课堂在初中数学素质教育中实施的意义 4

三、翻转课堂法 5

(一)翻转课堂法 5

(二)翻转课堂的要素与特征 5

(三)翻转课堂教学实施步骤 6

(四)翻转课堂在中国的实施情况及该情况出现的原因 7

(五)针对初中数学翻转课堂实施过程中遇到的问题 8

(六)翻转课堂法在初中数学中的实施建议 9

四、翻转课堂在初中数学素质教育中的具体实施方法——以初中数学《抽样》这一节为例 9

五、结语 11

六、参考文献 12

七、附录 13

八、致谢 15一、 引言

推进素质教育的实施是提高国民基本素质的唯一的有效的途径。如何将素质教育与初中数学联系起来,把素质教育落实到初中数学中,这是当下数学教学改革的重要议题。而在美国兴起的翻转课堂教学模式,作为当下课堂教学的一种新型方式,为教与学的研究提供了新的思路。通过研究比较,不难发现这种新型的教育方法可以较好的解决当下中国教育存在的弊端。 初中数学素质教育以翻转课堂法为例:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_51058.html
