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时间:2020-08-24 16:25来源:毕业论文

摘  要:中小企业是维持一个国家经济持续稳定增长的不可缺少的组成部分,在国家和地方税收、商品出口、为社会提供就业机会与服务等方面都有积极的作用。中小企业具有灵活的机制,极具发展的潜力,这些是拉动一个国家经济增长的有力力量。然而中小企业的发展也是有许多阻碍的,其中最遏制中小企业发展的,就属融资困难。俗话说:“巧妇难为无米之炊”。无论对于什么中小企业来说,没有充足的资金,再好的项目也不会发展起来。虽然企业有内源融资和外源融资两种融资方式,但对于中小企业来说,无论是哪种都有困难。尤其在金融危机影响下,我国国内经济增长速度明显缓慢下来,中国经济是否能在这场危机中化危机为转机、化被动为主动,是否能继续保持稳定、快速增长的良好势头,这对中小企业的发展是至关重要的。54689


Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises has became an integral part of the sustained and stable growth of national economy, which has paled a important role in tax, export, employment opportunities and social service etc. Small and medium-sized enterprises with flexible mechanisms, potential development, and is a powerful force in a country’s economic growth. But the small and medium-sized enterprises still face some difficulties, the financing difficultly has became one of the problems that stem the development of small and medium enterprises. As the saying goes,“One cannot make bricks without straw.”For tens of millions of domestic small and medium-sized enterprise, without enough funds, on matter how good the project that can not be developed. Enterprise financing way has two methods of internal financing and external financing, but for small and medium-sized enterprises, both in internal financing and external financing exist a lot of difficulties. However, in the impact of the global financial tsunami in internal financing and external financing. Under the background of the slowdown in domestic economic growth, how China’s economy develop rapidly turn the crisis into an opportunity and maintain the good momentum of sustained during the critical crisis. So the development of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises is very important. 

Keyword: small and medium-sized enterprise, financing, to solve the path

目   录

1 引言 4

2  中小企业融资相关理论 4

3 中小企业融资主要途径 6

4 中小企业融资困难的原因分析 6

4.1 中小企业自身因素 6

4.2 中小企业外部因素 7

5 中小企业融资解决路径 8

5.1 增强中小企业自身建设 8

5.2 建立健全中小企业担保机构 9

5.3 民间融资合法健全化 9

5.4 建立完善的社会中介服务机构 10

结  论 11

参考文献 12

致 谢 13

1 引言

中小企业在一国经济发展中是一支重要的力量,在我国国民经济中处于举足轻重的地位,中小企业数量多、分布在各行各业,是经济发展的动力之一,是经济增长的主要因素,也是保证一定劳动就业率的主要因素。据统计,2010年中小企业创造了占国内生产总值60%左右的所有价值,缴纳了占国家税收总额的50%左右的税额,并且为80%的劳动力提供了就业岗位。中小企业是维持一个国家经济持续稳定增长的不可缺少的组成部分,是地方财政的重要收入来源,据统计,中小企业为各级政府提供了80%的财政收入,中小企业的发展直接为地方各级政府提供了税源。在江苏省,中小企业也承担了重要的角色,江苏省中小企业在拉动GDP、上缴税收、出口创汇、提供就业机会与社会服务等方面都有重要的作用。源'自:751`!论~文'网www.751com.cn 中小企业融资问题及解决路径:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_58914.html
