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时间:2021-08-07 16:16来源:毕业论文

摘要高速列车的建设随着时代的更新也慢慢在我国全面起来,高铁列车的舒适性 被人们更加重视起来,这也体现了高铁各要求的多样性,表明了高铁的优势不只 是速度,也有在远路程,耗时短,性能稳,准时达,旅客满意等特点上。高速动 车组在得到人们认可的情形下仍将其稳定性视为改良的方向。70355

高速列车在快速运行的路途中,会因偶尔铁路线路的不平顺而导致列车产生 振动,为了有效的减少并控制振动,实现合理减振变得很有象征性。本文首先对 空气弹簧国内外的历史发展过程做了系统的介绍,再对空气弹簧的类型进行了细 致的分类介绍,并对空气弹簧的结构特点,优势与缺陷等进行了介绍,对空气弹 簧系统的工作原理进行详细分析,并在对空气弹簧的结构进行设计,用 CAD 画 出结构图,对自由膜式空气弹簧的刚度进行合理性计算分析,并用 SolidWorks 建立橡胶囊模型仿真。

毕业论文关键词:空气弹簧 高铁 刚度 SolidWorks

EMU Bogie Air Spring Design


High-speed train construction With the update times slowly round up in China, the high-speed rail trains comfort is that people pay more attention to it, which also reflects the persity of the high-speed rail all the requirements, show the advantages of high-speed rail is not just speed, but also in the far away, time-consuming short, performance, stability, punctuality of passenger satisfaction and so on. EMU in the case will get people approved the stability considered improved direction.

High-speed train running fast on the road, the railway line is due to occasional irregularity caused by train vibration, in order to effectively reduce and control the vibration, to achieve a reasonable damping becomes very symbolic. Firstly, the historical development of the air spring system at home and abroad to do a presentation, and then type air springs were detailed classification introduced, and the air spring and other structural features, advantages and defects were introduced on the air spring system detailed analysis of the working principle and structure of the air spring design with CAD draw diagram on the free diaphragm air spring stiffness rational calculation analysis, establishing rubber bags with SolidWorks model simulation.

Key words: air springs high-speed rail stiffness SolidWorks

摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究的目的与意义 9

1.4 研究的主要内容 10

2 空气弹簧分类及特性 11

2.1 空气弹簧分类.

2.3 空气弹簧的特点 14

2.3 空气弹簧系统工作原理 15

3 自由膜式空气弹簧的设计计算 17

3.1 空气弹簧结构设计 17

3.2 刚度的计算分析 17

4 空气弹簧建模仿真 24

4.1 SolidWorks 仿真软件简介 24

4.2 空气弹簧模型建立 SolidWorks高速动车组转向架空气弹簧设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79638.html
