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时间:2021-08-07 16:10来源:毕业论文
通过原有的设计数据,进行电动机、联轴器等部件的选型设计,以及二级圆柱 齿轮减速器的参数确定、卷筒的结构设计、钢丝绳的选型、卷筒主轴的设计等工作

摘要矿用提升机由于性能良好,可靠性高,成为我国矿山机械设备的固定设备之一。其作 为有效的提升机构,负责连接井下的开采以及地面的提升作业,是煤炭开采过程中的“中 央枢纽”。正是因为绞车至关重要的作用,其结构安全对矿山作业的工作效率及工作人员 的安全有着巨大的影响。因此,严谨的结构设计是提高绞车的整体性能的关键。70354

本文简要概括了近几十年来国内外矿用提升绞车的发展概况,并对我国矿用绞车目前 存在的问题进行归纳总结,找出提升绞车结构性能的关键。在介绍了绞车的基本结构及工 作原理后,通过原有的设计数据,进行电动机、联轴器等部件的选型设计,以及二级圆柱 齿轮减速器的参数确定、卷筒的结构设计、钢丝绳的选型、卷筒主轴的设计等工作。在结 构性能满足要求的基础上,对减速器的齿轮、各级传动轴、滚子轴承及联接键进行弯扭强 度校核和寿命预算。通过最后的装配确保理论设计的可实施性,至此完成矿用提升绞车的 整体设计。

该论文有图 8 幅,表 4 个,参考文献 43 篇。


Design of JTK mine hoist


Because of its good performance and high reliability, mine hoist has become one of the fixed equipment of mining machinery equipment in our country. As an effective lifting mechanism,mine hoist is responsible for the connection of underground mining and the lifting of the ground operations.Winch is a central hub in the process of coal mining. Because of the important role of the winch, the safety of its structure has a great impact on the efficiency  of mine operations and the safety of staff. Therefore, rigorous structural design is the  key to improve the overall performance of the winch.

This paper briefly summarizes the development situation of mine hoist at home and abroad in recent decades, and summarizes the existing problems of mine winch, and finds out the key to improve the structure performance of the winch. After introducing the basic structure and the working principle of winch.On the basis of the original design data, type the selection of the design of motor, clutch, and secondary cylindrical gear reducer device parameters, design of the structure of the drum and a wire rope selection, reel spindle design. On the structure performance to meet the requirements of the foundation, reducer gear, levels of transmission shaft, roller bearing and linkages were bending and torsion strength check and the service life of the budget. Through the final assembly to ensure that the design of the theory can be implemented, so as to complete the overall design of mine hoist.

This paper has 8 figures, 4 tables and 43 references.

Key words: mining machinery; hoist; two stage reducer; structure design


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

图清单 V

表清单 V

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 2

1.3 课题研究现状 2

2 JTK 绞车系统总体设计 6

2.1 设计参数 6

2.2 结构组成及工作原理 6

2.3 电动机的选型 7

2.4 制动器的设计 JTK型矿用提升绞车的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79636.html
