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时间:2020-05-17 19:25来源:毕业论文


关键词  网络舆情  大数据  Hadoop  文本挖掘


Title   Public Opinion Analysis Based on Big Data and Visualization                 


Network public opinion refers to the public comments and opinions of some of the hot issues spread by the Internet which have a great influence on social public opinion direction. Under the background of the big data era, the amount of data produced from the earth every day is incredible. At present the most mature big data platform is Apache's Hadoop solution. Using Hadoop platform, we can mine text effectively, so as to grasp the public's view of one problem and network public opinion direction timely. In the field of mobile data, the author of this paper has carried on the Chinese word segmentation, sentiment analysis, clustering, etc. We can dig out people's evaluation to all aspects of the different mobile phones which plays a guiding role in decision-making of handset makers. In this paper, the data source is user comments crawled from different phone communities and forums.

Keywords   Network Public Opinion   Big Data   Hadoop   Text mining

目   次

1  引言 1

1.1  研究背景及意义 1

1.2  主要研究内容 1

2  Hadoop相关技术介绍 3

2.1  Hadoop环境介绍 3

2.2  HDFS关键技术 4

2.3  MapReduce原理 6

2.4  HBase原理 7

3  基于Hadoop的中文分词和情感分析 10

3.1  主要结构 10

3.2  IKAnalyzer中文分词的分布式实现 10

3.3  基于情感词典的中文情感分析实现 12

4  基于Hadoop的Kmeans聚类、热词统计和搜索引擎 15

4.1  Kmeans聚类实现 15

4.2  热词统计和搜索引擎的实现 19

5  可视化展现 20

5.1  开发环境及相关技术 21

5.2  手机得分界面 21

5.3  热词展现界面 22

5.4  信息检索界面 23

结  论 24

致  谢 舆情大数据分析及可视化展现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_52048.html
