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时间:2017-03-29 20:48来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着信息技术的飞速发展,各个行业的信息化势在必行。正所谓“科学是第一生产力”,科技的进步大大提高了生产效率,然而在高校这个知识的地方,开展计算机教学、推动教学改革成为一种必然。目前,考试仍然是一种传统而且有效的检测教学效果的手段,同样也是网络教学的一个重要环节。因此,研究和开发适应教学考试的考试系统,成为开发教学系统的一项重要工作。系统是将现代化的计算机技术和传统的教学、教务工作相结合,适应学校考试制度的改革,减轻老师工作压力,提高试卷的生成效率。结合我校教学、考考试的实际情况,讨论试题库系统的总体框架、试题数据库的组织结构、采用计算机协助组卷系统的实现技术与方法,根据系统各个功能模块实现了手动试卷生成方式以及对已经生成试卷的管理功能,对题库设置添加、修改、删除、查询等功能。自动出题系统是信息管理系统,其开发的功能主要包括:计算机管理题库档案,管理试卷,手动选题出题,导出指定格式的试卷。使用微软公司的SqlServer作为后台数据库,设计数据库,使用微软公司的VisualStutio开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,使用ADO.NET控件连接数据库,开发出产品。6899
"Digital Electronics" test library management system development and design
Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, the information of each industry be imperative. Is the so-called "science is the first productive force", the progress of science and technology has greatly enhanced the efficiency of production, but in the knowledge of the place, development of computer teaching, promote teaching reform has become an inevitable.At present, the test still is a traditional and effective detection effect of teaching means, an important link is also the network teaching. Therefore, the research and development to adapt to the examination system of teaching and examination, become an important work in the development of teaching system.System is the modern computer technology and the traditional teaching, the educational administration work together, to adapt to the reform school examination system, reduce the working pressure, improve the efficiency to generate test papers. Combined with teaching, examination of the actual situation of our school, discuss the overall framework, database system of the test questions database structure, uses the computer to assist the realization technology and method for generating test paper system, according to the system each function module realization of manual test generation and have been generated test management functions, add, modify the database settings, delete, query and other functions.Automatic test system is an information management system, its developent function mainly includes: computer management database files, management paper, manual selection problem, export the specified format. The use of Microsoft Corp's SqlServer database as a background, design of database, the use of Microsoft Corp's VisualStutio development tool, it use object-oriented development tools, use the ADO.NET control to connect to the database, and develop products.
Keyword:  Digital Electronics;test system;test management;C#
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题介绍    1
1.2    可行性研究分析    1
1.2.1    本课题的研究意义    1
1.2.2    调研分析    2
1.2.3    研究结论    2
1.3    开发环境及数据库概述    3
1.3.1    开发硬件环境    3 C#《数字电子》试题库管理系统开发与设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_4513.html