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时间:2021-04-27 20:31来源:毕业论文

摘 要:宿迁市的经济发展水平较低,市民收入水平和生活水平都相对较低,产业竞争力有待提升。这样的形势下,调整经济产业结构,提高经济发展水平,提升产业竞争力是宿迁市重要工作,因此确定主导产业对宿迁市来说尤为重要。在本文中,首先用区位商分析法对宿迁市三大产业和规模以上产业进行区位商计算,通过计算,可以看出宿迁市产业结构相对不合理,第二、第三产业占比仍然比较低。其次,在规模以上工业中,通过计算找出本地的优势产业,同时分析这些优势产业发展的条件,在此基础上,对产业结构优化与调整升级提出一些建议,促进宿迁市的经济发展。66516


Abstract:Suqian’s economic development level is low, income level of suqian and living standards are relatively low, industry competition is poor. Such a situation, adjust the industrial structure of economic, improve the level of economic development and promote the competition of the industry are important work in suqian. So make sure the leading industry is particularly important for suqian. In this article,first of all,we use calculate the three industry and industrial  location quotient through the calculation of location quotient. Through calculation ,it can be seen that suqian’s industrial structure is relatively unreasonable,secondary industry and tertiary industry proportion is still very low. Second in the industrialization,we find out the advantage industries through calculation,we analyze the advantages as well . On this basis,we put forward some reasonable suggestions on industrial structure optimization and development to promote the economic development of suqian .

Keywords: suqian city, the industrial structure, location quotient

目   录

1   引言 4

2   区位商的概念及其计算方法 4

3   宿迁市产业结构现状 5

4   宿迁市产业结构分析 6

4.1   宿迁市产业结构总体分析 6

4.2   宿迁市工业内部结构分析 7

5   宿迁市产业发展的总体情况与对策建议 9

5.1   宿迁市产业发展实情 10

5.2   宿迁市产业发展的对策建议 10

结论 11

参 考 文 献 12

致谢 13

1   引言

在江苏省,宿迁市经济发展水平比较低。一个地区的经济发展水平和这个地区的产业结构关系密切,经济发展水平越高,产业结构越趋向合理。要实现宿迁市经济加快发展,提高发展水平,需要对宿迁市当前的产业结构进行优化和调整。确定一个地区的优势产业并且能够分析出相对的比较优势,对于促进一个地区的产业结构优化调整升级、提升产业的竞争力具有重要意义[1]。文章中将找出宿迁市目前的优势产业,分析优势产业发展的条件并利用这些优势条件促进本市优势产业更快速的发展,用优势产业带动弱势产业的发展。本文将运用区位商分析法,对宿迁市各产业的区位商进行计算,尤其是工业内部各产业的区位商计算,找出宿迁市的优势产业,分析宿迁市优势产业发展条件。  基于区位商的宿迁市产业结构分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_74466.html
