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时间:2021-04-26 22:59来源:毕业论文

摘 要:当今社会城市化不断加快的过程中,人类活动对社会的碳排放有着显著的影响。家庭是社会的基本组成部分,家庭能源消耗碳排放是社会碳排放的重要组成部分。通过对溧阳市城市居民家庭能耗的数据问卷调查得出数据为依据进行计算,采用多元回归法最后分析得出结论。新小区与老小区家庭用电普及率为100%。老小区的炊事燃料主要倾向于液化石油汽,普及率较高;新小区的炊事燃料主要倾向于天然气。从家庭能耗的总碳排放量来看新小区明显高于旧小区,主要原因是新小区的年龄结构比较年轻,收入水平高,相应的消费水平也高,碳排放也就随之增加。通过影响因素分析,老小区家庭碳排放受到年龄结构、教育水平和住房面积的不同影响,而新小区的碳排放随住房面积、家庭收入的增大而不同程度的增加,随教育水平的降低而增加。建议政府改造老小区,增加天然气;加强宣传提高居民节能环保意识;提供优惠政策,居民优惠购买使用节能电器。66485


Abstract:Today, society continues to accelerate the process of urbanization, the human activities on carbon emissions have a significant social impact. The family is the basic component of society, household energy consumption carbon emissions is an important part of social carbon emissions. By Liyang urban households consumption survey data obtained data as a basis for calculation, using multiple regression analysis finally concluded. The new cell and the old district of household electricity penetration rate of 100%. The old district of the main cooking fuel tends liquefied petroleum gas, a higher penetration rate; new cooking fuel cell main tend to natural gas. The total carbon emissions from household energy consumption point of view the new cell was significantly higher than the old cell, mainly due to the age structure of the new cell is relatively young, high income levels, the corresponding consumption level is high, carbon emissions will increase. By influencing factors, the old district by the age structure of household carbon emissions, the impact of different levels of education and housing area, and the new residential housing area with carbon emissions, increases in varying degrees of increase in household income, with lower levels of education and increase. Transformation of the old district government proposal to increase natural gas; strengthen its increasing household awareness of energy saving; providing incentives, residents preferential purchase energy-efficient appliances.

Keywords:questionnaire, carbon emissions, home energy consumption, multiple regression  

目   录

1  前言 4

研究方法及数据收集 4

2.1  研究方法 4

2.2  数据处理 4

2.3  变量选择及建模 5

3  结果分析 6

3.1  家庭基本情况 6

3.2  能源消费特点 6

3.3  碳排放特征 7

4  新老小区对比因素分析 7

4.1  新小区 7

4.2  老小区 8

结  论 10

参 考 文 献 11

致  谢 溧阳市城市居民家庭能耗碳排放特征及其影响因素:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_74434.html
