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时间:2020-08-25 15:25来源:毕业论文

摘 要:将核心价值体系融入国民教育刻不容缓,而其中融入大学教育至关紧要。把核心价值体系融入大学教育过程中,方法途径的选择既是重点,亦是难点。通过调查研究,全面准确把握核心价值体系融入大学教育方法途径的现状,探寻新形势下核心价值体系融入大学教育方法途径选择与创新的基本思路,具有重要的实践意义。目前,核心价值体系融入大学教育方法途径的选择与创新取得了不小的进展,但仍存在许多有待解决的影响制约融入效果提高的因素。在把核心价值体系融入大学教育的过程中,要在党和政府的领导与统筹下,进一步将学校教育、家庭教育、社会教育、自我教育有机结合起来,并在合理传承的基础上全面推进融入方法途径的创新。54826


Core values into methodological approach university education perspective- Focus on Students Rational Thinking Perspective

Abstract: Integrating core value system into national education is imperative, one of the most crucial thing is the integration into university education. During the process of integrating core value system into university education, it’s important and difficult to select methodological approach. Through investigation and research, mastering the current situation of methodological approach of the integration comprehensively and accurately, exploring basic thinking of the selection and innovation of methodological approach of the integration in new situation ,which makes important practical significance.Currently, the selection and innovation of methodological approach of this integration has made remarkable progress, but there are still many unresolved factors which effect and restrict the increase of this integration. In the process of integrating core value system into university education, we should make a further combination of school education, family education,social education and self-education under the leadership and co-ordination of the party and government, and based on reasonable inheritance to promote the innovation of methodological approach of this integration comprehensively.

Key Words:Socialist core value system;Integration;University education;method;;way





大学生对核心价值体系认知现状令人担忧。调查数据显示:学生对核心价值体系“非常了解”的仅占4.875%,“了解”的占42.625%,“不太了解”和“不了解”的竟然占了51.75%。其中,985院校“非常了解”和“了解”的占56.5%,211院校“非常了解”和“了解”的占53%,一般本科院校“非常了解”和“了解”的占46.5%,高职高专院校“非常了解”和“了解”的占36%。由此可见,对于核心价值体系,处于不同层次高校的大学生在了解程度上存在明显差距,并且从高层次院校到低层次院校的了解情况明显恶化。 核心价值体系融入国民教育的方法途径透视:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_59055.html
