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时间:2019-12-30 19:59来源:毕业论文



Effect of Relationship between Social Support and Loneliness of

Stay-at-home Children:the Mediating Role of Gratitude

Abstract: To explore the relationship between Social Support and Loneliness of  Stay-at-home children ,and examine whether gratitude is serwed as a mediator in the relationship between Social Support and Loneliness.investigating 326students from a middle and primary school which is in shangshui of ZhouKou ,and reasearch it with Children Loneliness Scale(CLS),Social Support Revalued Scale (SSRS),and Adolescent Gratitude Scale ( AGS) . the stay-at home children in different genders have significant differences in loneliness;the stay-at home children in different grades have no differences in loneliness ;the stay-at-home and unstay-at-home children have no difference in loneliness;the stay-at-home childrensocial support have a significant negaitive correlation among the social loneliness and the gratitude,but the gratitude and loneliness of stay-at-home children have a positive correlation.the sumption of the gratitude as a mediator between the relationship of social support andloneliness of stay-at-home children is not supported.

Kewords:Stay-at-home Children;Social support;Loneliness;Gratitude;Mediating effect

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract. 1

引言 1

1研究设计 3

1.1研究对象 3

1.2研究工具 3

1.3统计分析 4

2研究结果 4

2.1留守儿童社会支持、孤独感、感恩描述性统计结果 4

2.2留守儿童孤独感在人口统计学变量上的差异 4

2.3留守儿童社会支持、孤独感、感恩的相关 5

2.4感恩在留守儿童社会支持与孤独感之间的中介效应 6

3分析讨论 7

3.1留守儿童孤独感在人口统计学变量上基本情况分析 7

3.2留守儿童社会支持、孤独感、感恩的相关分析 7

3.3感恩在留守儿童社会支持与孤独感之间的中介效应分析 8

4结论 8

参考文献 9

附录I 10

附录II 12

附录Ⅲ 14

致谢 16 


留守儿童是指父母双方或一方从农村流动到其他地区,孩子留在户籍所在地的农村地区,并因此不能和父母共同生活的18周岁以下的未成年人[1]。 随着城市化进程的加快,大量的农民进城务工,越来越多的农村孩子成为留守儿童。留守儿童是我国社会转型期的一个特殊群体,他们本身面临的问题复杂,而当前一些帮助他们的措施还存在不完善的地方。孩子是祖国的未来,人口庞大的留守儿童,今后将对国家的进一步发展影响重大。关注留守儿童积极情绪,促进留守儿童身心健康发展至关重要。 留守儿童社会支持与孤独感的关系感恩的中介作用:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_44283.html
