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时间:2020-06-28 21:23来源:毕业论文



 The Relationship between the Reform of Textbooks and Teachers’ Interpretation and Students’ Emotion Generation in Middle Grade of Primary School


Chinese is an instrumental and humanism subject. And many factors will have an important impact on students' emotion generation. In various influences, we select two aspects to analyze: The basis of textbooks arrangement in the interpretation and the introductory of teachers’ interpretation. In the basis of textbooks arrangement in the interpretation, we study it from the student's emotional requirement and the distribution of each style in the textbooks. And instructive in the teachers' reading ways, we will analyze it from the quality of the teacher to the students’ emotion and the teaching of reading ways of affective guidance for students in the reading teaching. Combined with Sue includes three or four grade teachers’ classes, using the method of collecting data and statistics or interview to study the subject.

Key Words: Middle grade of primary school  Reforms of textbooks  Teachers’ interpretation  Students’ emotion generation


摘  要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

(一)问题的提出 1

(二)研究意义 1

一、教材编排的基础性 3

(一)教材在情感取向上的编排 3

(二)教材在文体上的编排 5

(三)小结 11

二、解读的引导性 12

(一)教师的文本解读对学生情感生成的影响 12

(二)由优秀教学案例探究教师解读对学生情感生成的影响 16

附录A:小学中年级语文教材各单元课文文体 23

附录B:小学中年级语文教材各单元课文在情感态度价值观方面的要求 25

参考文献 29



近年来,随着国家政策以及社会对素质教育重视度的提高,《语文课程标准》中提出:“课程目标根据知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观三个维度设计。三个方面相互渗透,注意语文素养的整体提高”,越来越多的教育工作者开始在教学中重视对学生情感态度和价值观的引导,这也包括众多小学一线教师。小学阶段的学生在生理和心理上处于快速发展阶段,其心智在很多方面是不成熟的,在这样的情况下,教材本身所具备的情感价值取向和教师对课文的解读便会对学生产生重大的影响。那么,这种影响又是如何体现的呢?本文将以小学中年级语文四册教材语文课堂教学为研究的范围与依据,从教材编排和教师解读两个方面,探究在小学中年级的阅读教学中,学生的情感是如何生成的。 小学中年级语文教材的编排及教师解读与学生情感生成的关系:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_55491.html
