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时间:2020-05-27 20:35来源:毕业论文

摘要:“全托制”小学生作为有别于同龄学生的个别特殊群体,存在着如:厌学颓废心理;因孤僻产生的人际交往障碍;对挫折失败的偏激反应等诸多心理问题,而这些心理问题的产生都会对其身心健康发展产生不利的影响。因此本文通过文献综述法和观察法研究“全托制”小学生存在的心理问题,认为其产生的原因包括家庭、学校教育、全托学校环境和社会多元化为化对“全托制”小学生心理健康的影响。提出通过加强父母与“全托班小学生”的情感沟通;健全心理咨询中心,优化育人环境;学科教学中渗透心理素质教育;加强对“全托班小学生”的心理疏导;培养“全托班小学生”的人际交往能力 ,增强社会适应性等对策。从而提高他们的心理健康水平。49864


The Psychological Health Problems and Strategies of Boarding Students

Abstract:  "Boarding student" is a special and inpidual group which is different from the same age group. There exists so many influences, such as: decadent mental weariness, produced by eccentric, interpersonal barriers, defeat extremely reaction and so many psychological problems. And these psychological problems will have a negative impact on the development of their physical and mental health. So in this paper, the author will use literature review method and observation method to study and analysis the reasons of the boarding pupils psychological existence problems.These reason include the influence of family, school education, social environment and boarding schools persified culture on students' psychological health. Based on the above problems, the author suggest that pass through the strengthening emotional communication between parents and boarding classes students, establish the perfectly psychological consultation center, optimize the educational environment and permeate the psychological quality education in the subject teaching;and strengthen psychological counseling on boarding classes students, cultivate an ability of communication, and enhance their social adaptability. so as to improve their mental health level.

Keywords: "Boarding" Pupils; Psychological Problems; Countermeasures

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、“全托制”小学生存在的心理问题 2

(一)厌学颓废心理 2

(二)性格孤僻产生的人际交往障碍 4

(三)对挫折失败的偏激反应 4

二、“全托制”小学生心理问题存在的原因 4

(一)家庭对“全托制”小学生心理健康的影响 4

(二)学校教育对“全托制”小学生心理健康的影响 5

(三)全托学校环境对“全托制”小学生心理健康的影响 5

(四)社会多元化文化对“全托制”小学生心理健康的影响 5

三、解决“全托制”小学生心理问题的有效策略 6

(一)加强父母与“全托制”小学生的情感沟通 6

(二)健全心理咨询中心,优化育人环境 6

(三)学科教学中渗透心理素质教育 7

(四)加强对“全托制”小学生的心理疏导 “全托制”小学生心理健康问题研究和解决策略:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_52988.html
