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时间:2019-08-27 12:45来源:毕业论文

Primary  school  language  learning  good  habits of thinking
Abstract:  Language is one of the important subjects, basic education is the base of learning other subjects, develop good study habits, is to implement new standard, advancing the basic requirement of quality education, is also the strong driving force of the development of the students’ long-term development and lifelong. The stand or fall of language as a basic subject, the study habits directly affect students’ learning life, so form the beginning to pay attention to cultivate students good study habits. But the present state of primary school Chinese learning habit is worrying, habit is not respected, adverse phenomenon without effective guidance and the correct, training methods, such as unreasonable phenomenon is widespread. Therefore, this article through the observation and interview method from students, teachers and family three aspects analyze the causes, and this basis to explore a good language learning  habits of training strategy.
Keywords: Primary school students; The language learning habit; Teachers
目  录

   摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、语文学习习惯概述    2
(一)习惯    2
(二)学习习惯    2
(三)语文学习习惯    3
二、养成良好语文学习习惯的必要性    3
(一)养成良好语文学习习惯是小学生素质教育的基本要求    3
(二)养成良好的语文学习习惯是学生和教师完成任务的基本保障    3
(三)养成良好的语文学习习惯对小学生的终身发展具有深远意义    4
三、小学生不良语文学习习惯的表现    4
(一)上课不能专心听讲    4
(二)写作不能用心为文    5
(三)预习不能提前准备    6
四、培养小学生良好语文学习习惯的建议    7
 (一)  从“小”着手,注重学生的积累    7
(二)加强对学生的引导,进行目的性教育    8
(三)注重榜样的作用,及时给予表扬或纠正    8
(四)寻求家长配合,共同打造良好培养环境    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
     对于一个人来说,习惯就是长时间不会改变的行为。习惯的养成对人的一生有着非常重大的影响。俄国的乌申斯基曾说:“好习惯是人在神经系统中存放的资本,这个资本不断的增长,一个人毕生都可以享用它的利息。而坏习惯是道德上无法偿清的债务,这种债务能以不断增长的利息,使他最好的创举失败,并把他引到道德破产的地步。”如果转换成学生的学习,就是学生养成了好的学习习惯,一生都会享受这些好习惯带来的财富。反之,就要一生都要承担它造成的严重后果。[1] 小学生语文良好学习习惯培养的思考:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_38348.html