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时间:2020-05-26 11:56来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:小学语文;比赛; 学生 

The Application of Competition in Primary School Chinese Teaching  

Abstract: The primary fun is not willing to learn is a very common phenomenon. The main reason is that the psychological mechanism of primary school students to learn completely is not perfect, the active learning initiative and the stability of attention in class is not enough. Most of the children to learn is still with the attitude of the game, learning for some time they want to go out for a while. And with the fun of the game is not only able to meet the student's psychological game, but also to enhance the enthusiasm of students learning. Chinese teaching in primary school is using the competition to improve the pupils' Chinese learning enthusiasm of many methods, the author in teaching practice mainly uses the answering competition, competition lectures, the competition to write operations, game recitation methods ,Effectively improve the enthusiasm of primary school students' language learning.

Keywords: Primary school Chinese; Competition; Students

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、比赛的概念 2

二、比赛在小学语文教学中运用的优势 2

(一)营造竞赛氛围,发挥学生主体作用 2

(二)保持学生的学习热情 2

(三)提高表达能力,加强学生思维训练 3

(四)操作简单易行 3

三、比赛在小学语文教学中运用的方式 3

(一)比赛遵纪守律 4

(二)比赛答题 4

(三)比赛讲课 5

(四)比赛写作业 5

(五)比赛背诵 6

四、小学语文教学中运用比赛要注意的问题 6

(一)要考虑孩子的心理承受能力 6

(二)注意竞争气氛,避免使课堂无序 7

(三)避免竞争影响班级团结 7

参考文献 8



比赛做为一种激励学生更好学习的教学手段在教学中很为重要,学生的积极性和潜能被最大程度的调动起来,把学生的眼睛、耳朵、肢体等各个器官都统一的利用起来,极大的调动了学生的学习积极性,让学生学习兴趣大增,从消极的接受知识变成主动的积极吸收知识。把沉闷的课堂教学变成生动活泼的开放式课堂教学,让师生关系和谐融洽,学习新知识更加轻松愉快。[1]为了落实新课标,尽力做到“让每个学生课堂上有事做,让每个学生课堂上有收获”,体现“课堂教学的全过程是学生在老师的引导下紧张、高效的学习过程”。[2]合理的竞争可以刺激一名同学甚至一个班的求知欲望。使他们心甘情愿的拿起书本,在无人提醒的情况下积极完成语文作业。它的奇妙之处还在于它可以挽救一些孩子将要丧失的对语文的兴趣。 比赛在小学语文教学中的运用探索:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_52875.html
