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时间:2020-05-24 22:01来源:毕业论文



The Problems and Suggestions of Primary School Students' Chinese Class Participation

Abstract:With the further deepening of the reform of basic education, the classroom teaching requires students to be active and active in the classroom, to build knowledge system, to become the master of classroom learning. This paper mainly uses the literature analysis method and takes the class participation as the research key point. And discusses the participation of students in the classroom to improve the quality of teaching and promote the development of students. Analyzing the existing problems of class participation, the main problem is the insufficient participation of the students in the classroom .On this basis, respectively from two aspects of students and teachers proposed suggestions to promote the students' class participation. Therefore, the students should set up the consciousness of subject participation in the classroom, actively participate in classroom activities; for teachers ,to form a positive teachers' expectation, establish rapport  relationship between teachers and students, set different class activities, they can better promote students to participate in the activities of classroom teaching.

Key words: Primary School Students; Chinese Classroom; Class Participation

 目  录



一、课堂参与的内涵及其重要性 2

(一)课堂参与的内涵 2

(二)课堂参与的重要性 3

二、小学语文课堂学生参与存在的问题及成因 3

(一)学生参与形式化 3

(二)学生参与以被动为主 4


三、促进小学语文课堂学生参与的建议 6

(一)学生方面 6

(二)教师方面 7

参考文献 10

致谢.. 11


2001年,教育部颁发《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》,其中明确要求教师在课堂教学中要与学生建立良好关系,在交往的过程中促进双方的发展。还要求教师既要承担传播文化知识的责任,同样要担负培养学生各方面能力的责任,这其中,最重要的是培养学生个体独立自主的品格,能够在生活中主动、积极地探究和质疑,实现学以致用、活学活用的目的。[ ]由此可见,在新课程改革精神的指导下,学生的课堂参与成了课堂教学改革的重要方面之一。学生作为学习过程中的主体,积极、主动、有效地参与课堂教学,在参与中发展探索、交往及合作的能力,有助于学生的社会性发展,对学生身心发展的重要性不言而喻。 小学生语文课堂参与存在的问题及建议:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_52758.html
