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时间:2020-01-08 21:12来源:毕业论文



Research on the Application of the Reversal Class in Mathematical Education of Primary School

-- Taking the application of positive and negative numbers as an example

Abstract: Nowadays the technology develops foot which causes the teaching modes hove been changing constantly ,the teaching methods and the educational idea are also in the way of innovation, the Reversal Class is known by more and more people and applied into the education. It upsides down the traditional teaching modes. The Reversal Class requires that students watch videos before the class ,and find ways to solve the problems in the class. In the beginning ,this paper describes the meaning and characteristics of the Reversal Class, and analyzes the value that this kind of class would generate in mathematical education of primary school. Then, the author uses the case analysis method to design the specific applications by taking the lesson. The Application of the positive and negative number as an example. Last, raises several questions about this topic, hoping it would be beneficial to the optimization of mathematical education in primary school.

Keywords:  The Reversal Class; Mathematical education of primary school; Teaching modes

2007年,美国科罗拉多州Woodland Park High School 的化学老师 Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams ,开始使用屏幕录制软件录制PPT课件,并且附上讲解声音。他们把录制的视频上传,用网络作平台播放,为了给那些没有来上课的人补习。过了一段时间,他们又有了新的尝试,让学生在家观看视频,在课堂上教师主要进行辅导视频中学生不懂得问题,之后又推动这种教学模式,把它带到美国的小学教育中应用。随着科技发展迅速,反转课堂模式逐渐成为热潮,随即也引发了一些教育争论。近几年教育家们对反转课堂有了一定探索,关于反转课堂理论的研究也比较丰富,但大多是从反转课堂的理论或实践应用等方面进行研究,理论与具体应用结合起来研究的很少。而本文重在理论与实际相结合,通过以《正负数的应用》一课为例进行案例分析,对当前小学数学教学中的反转课堂的具体应用研究。



教师将以往课上传授的知识依托微视频的形式在课前呈现,让学生根据自己的情况实现个性化自主学习,并将没学会没掌握的地方及时反馈给教师,教师将这些问题带入课堂,通过师生共同讨论完成,答疑解惑。[1]然而,反转课堂并不是仅仅 45 分钟的课堂教学,它还包括学生在家观看视频、提出疑问等环节。反转课堂对于教师来说主要可以分为两个步骤:设计微视频和组织课堂活动。[2]而对于学生来说则可以分为课前观看视频和课上的学习活动,即课前学生合理利用教师提供的微视频,根据自身情况完成学习任务,记录学习中的问题并及时反馈给老师,教师汇总后根据问题有针对性的进行组织课堂教学活动。 反转课堂在小学数学教学《正负数的应用》中的应用研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_44738.html
