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时间:2020-06-09 21:34来源:毕业论文

摘要:教学机智是教师在教学过程中处理突发事件及其复杂教学情境的一种能力,它体现在教师面对复杂的教学情境时所表现出的一种敏感、迅速、准确的判断与行为方式。为了使初任教师更好更快的适应新的环境和角色转换,促进初任教师的专业成长,对初任教师教学机智提升问题的研究就具有现实意义。本研究通过观察初任教师课堂教学以及文献研究等方法,总结出初任教师课堂学机智的缺失,如缺乏处理自身失误、课堂中的意外回答、课堂意外、教学环境突变等机智。在此基础上,从教师角度提出提升初任教师教学机智的一些建议,目的是促进初任教师更好的专业成长。 50547


The Lack of Novice Teachers Teaching Tact and Improving Suggestions

Abstract: Teaching tact is a kind of ability of a teacher in the teaching process to deal with unexpected events and the complexity of the situational teaching. It reflects a kind of sensitive, rapid and accurate judgment and behavior way in the face of the complex teaching situation.  In order to make the beginning teachers better adapt to the new environment and role transformation, promote the professional growth of beginning teachers,it is of practical significance to enhance the study of beginning teacher teaching tact. In this study, through the observation of beginning teachers, classroom teaching and research methods such as literature, summed up the lack of beginning teachers, classroom teaching tact, such as lack of processing their own mistakes, classroom unexpected answer, the classroom accident, teaching environment mutation wit. On the basis of this, from the teacher's point of view put forward some suggestions to improve the beginning teachers teaching tact. The purpose is to promote the professional development of beginning teachers better.

Keywords: Novice teaching; Classroom teaching tact; Improvement suggestion

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、教学机智的内涵及特征 2

(一)教学机智的内涵 2

(二)教学机智的特征 3

二、初任教师教学机智的缺失表现 4

(一)教学失误的处理方面 4

(二)意外回答的处理方面 4

(三)课堂意外的处理方面 5

(四)教学环境突变处理方面 6

三、初任教师教学机智的提升建议 7

(一)积聚更多的教育科学知识 7

(二)掌握对课堂教学预设的方法 7

(三)逐渐养成课堂教学反思的习惯 8

(四)热爱并且关注学生 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10


教学机智是教师在教学过程中随机应变、灵活创造的能力,是教师智慧的体现,能力的内化。教师的教学机智不仅体现在处理课堂突发事件的能力上,还表现为采用多样的方式及新颖的方法激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。由此可见,教师的教学机智在课堂教学中是十分重要的。因此,加强初任教师教学机智的培养不仅有利于初任教师的专业成长,还有益于初任教师更快的适应教师角色,激发教学热情,从而创造良好的课堂氛围,提高课堂教学质量,在树立教师威信的同时建立良好的师生关系。鉴于此,本研究针对初任教师教学机智的特征、表现进行分析,为其它初任教师成长提供借鉴之用。 初任教师教学机智的缺失及提升建议:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_53917.html
