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时间:2019-05-25 11:27来源:毕业论文
China and South Korea of etiquette education for College Students Abstract: Along with the rapid development of reform and opening up China's material culture and society gradually developed the center shifted to the construction of spiritu

摘 要:随着改革开放和中国经济的迅猛发展,社会逐渐将发展的中心转移到群众的精神文明建设上来,而大学生作为高等教育的接受者,更应该重视其礼仪教育。在中国高等教育越来越大众化的趋势下,不断提高大学生的整体素质,推广大学生礼仪教育任重而道远。本文对中韩两国大学生礼仪教育的现状进行比较,得出中韩两国大学生礼仪教育的异同点,正确认识中国大学生礼仪教育的不足,充分借鉴和参考韩国大学生礼仪教育的成功之处。35698
毕业论文关键词:中国  韩国  大学生礼仪  礼仪教育
China and South Korea of etiquette education for College Students
Abstract: Along with the rapid development of reform and opening up China's material culture and society gradually developed the center shifted to the construction of spiritual civilization of the masses up, and college students, as the recipient of higher education, should pay attention to the etiquette education. Under the trend of higher education in China has become more and more popular, and constantly improve the overall quality of university students, promote the university student etiquette education to go15. This paper is on the analysis of the status of Sino Korean etiquette education for college students based on comparison the similarities and differences between China and South Korea the university student etiquette education, correct understanding of Chinese etiquette education for college students, fully learn and refer to the success of Korean etiquette education for college students.
Key words: Chinese  Korean  students etiquette  etiquette education

荀子曰:“人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。” 礼仪,是中华传统美德宝库中最闪亮的部分,是中国传统文化的精髓,延续到今天,尽管某些礼节仍然带着封建思想的印记,但是它所强调的以礼待人、行为得体、容颜端庄的思想都是值得发扬和延续的。礼仪教育是弘扬和发展传统礼仪文化的重要途径,一方面把传统的礼仪文化转变为年轻一代的素质结构;另一方面,形成符合时代要求的全新的美德。因此,大学生不仅是传统礼仪文化延续的载体,更是新时代美德实践的先行者。大学生礼仪教育在传承传统礼仪文化的基础上有着重要意义。
一直都有“君子为人称赞”、“淑女爱绅士”的说法,究其原因,是他们有自己的人格魅力守礼讲礼。 追求“礼”是实现自己走向人生巅峰这一梦想的重要途径,而礼仪教育又是我们学会如何追求的必经之途,在教育中我们才能更快更好地学会如何待人接物,如何与人交往,如何提升品位。这就更迫切地需要对大学生进行礼仪教育。 浅析中韩大学生礼仪教育:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_33765.html