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时间:2019-08-05 12:47来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:教育实习; 和谐师生交往; 实习教师
Interaction problems existing in the intern teacher and student  and promote strategy
——Primary school in zhoukou city east new district ChenTan interns
   Abstract: Exchanges between teachers and students has to be the concern of the education field.The harmonious relationship between teachers and students is the foundation of the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, is the guarantee of education teaching activities smoothly.In education practice, the "novice" practice teaching of immature and the influence of various external factors, makes the student teacher and student exchanges become difficult, also affect the development of the education teaching activities.Therefore, this article will be the first to put forward the practice problems of teacher and student exchanges, the cause of the problem in analysis of interaction between teachers and students, and put forward the feasible strategy of harmonious student teacher and student interaction.Education exists, the discussion of the relationship between teachers and students, the harmonious relationship between teachers and students is the perfect stage, the relationship between teachers and students development for teachers and students together.This article from the perspective of student teacher seeking internship harmonious teachers and students in the process of education practice communicative strategy.
    Key words: education practice; Harmonious relationship between teachers and students; Student teacher
 目 录
摘要:    1
Abstract:    1
一、实习教师与学生交往中存在的问题    2
(一)实习教师对于师生交往之道的陌生    2
(二)学生对实习教师的不亲近和不信任    3
(三)实习教师与学生之间的“阴差阳错”    3
二、实习教师与学生交往中问题的成因    4
(一)教师方面的原因    4
(二)学生方面的原因    5
(三)学校方面的原因    6
三、实习教师与学生交往的策略    6
   (一)给学生“安全感”,奠定交往基础    7
   (二)约束不成熟的行为,增进师生交往    7
   (三)丰富教育教学经验,加强师生交往    7
   (四)关注学生多方需求,完善师生交往    8
参考文献    8
致谢    9
   人在交往中学习和生活 ,师生交往是学校中学习与生活的基本方式。师生交往的深层意义就在于通过交往中的学习 ,使人成为人 ,使人过一种有意义、有价值的生活[1]。在教育实习中,实习教师对于一切学生都是怀着一颗真诚与之交往的心。但是由于实习教师没有教学经验和学生管理经验,因此在处理比较难的师生交往问题上真是一筹莫展。实习教师如果意识不到师生交往的重要性,对于学生和教学活动开展的影响也是非常大的。因此,作为实习教师的任务不仅仅是教学,更要善于观察和发现在教学过程中存在的问题,并学会分析研究问题,找到解决问题的途径。本文将主要采用观察法和文献分析法来分析此问题。 小学实习教师与学生交往存在的问题及促进策略:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_37035.html